Ch.3 Better

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When they made it, everyone went into the restaurant where they spotted Maya with Marcus at a table.

"There they are" Josh pointed.

"Alright" Zay smiled as he pulled out his phone "And action."

Everyone rolled their eyes as they went up to Maya and Marcus.

"Maya" Josh said.

"Josh?" Maya said surprised "What are you guys doing here?"

"Stopping you from dating this jerk" he pointed to Marcus "He has a girlfriend."

"Yeah" Marcus said "Hopefully Maya."

"Another girlfriend."

"What?" Maya said.

"It's true, I saw him kissing another girl earlier."

"Oh come on" Marcus said to Maya "Do you honestly that I have another girlfriend when I asked you out?"

"Don't believe him" Josh said to Maya.

"Josh" Maya said "I understand if you're jealous, but can you guys just go so I can enjoy this?"

"I'm not jealous."

"Mm hm" everyone doubted.

"Maya you have to believe me, you shouldn't be dating a guy who already has a girlfriend."

"I don't have another girlfriend" Marcus said, but Josh can see the lie in his eyes.

"Would you guys just go?" Maya asked "We can discuss this later."

"Alright" Josh said "If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe girlfriend number 2."

At that point Marcus's girlfriend went up to them.

"Hello boyfriend" she frowned at Marcus.

"Stella" Marcus said surprised.

"Who's she?" Maya asked.

"Uh, I don't know, I've never met her" he said as he tried to hide his guilt.

"You just called her Stella who is she?" Maya demanded.

"I was his girlfriend" Stella frowned as she stormed off.

At that point Maya realized that Josh was right as she turned to Marcus with a shocked look.

"Uh" he said with a nervous smile as he held her hand "Come on sweetheart."

"Forget it!" Maya snapped as she pulled her hand away and got up and turned to everyone.

"Would you guys drive me home?" she asked with a sad look.

"Sure" Josh said as he gave Marcus a frown "You're a real jerk you know that? I can see why no one likes you and your sister."

"Oh please" Marcus grunted "It was worth getting 2 chicks."

Josh just gave him a mad look as he felt his blood boil.

"Can we just go?" Maya asked.

"Yeah sure."

"That's it?" Zay asked while still holding up his phone "Oh come on, there has to be some action in this."

"Okay" Riley said as she picked up a plate with a piece of cake and splat it onto Marcus's face as everyone around them gasped "There we go."

"Now that's more like it" Zay smiled.

"Bye Marcus" Maya frowned as they all left the restaurant.

But as they headed to the car, Josh saw that Maya was starting to shed some tears.

"Maya" he said.

"I can't believe this" she sniffed "Marcus asked me out when he already had a girlfriend, I knew I shouldn't of trust that Bradford."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I mean, there's other guys."

"Yeah" she sighed "But I just don't know if I should see other guys."

"I understand, and hey, we're still in the Long Game."

At that point Maya gave a slight smirk.

"Because unlike Marcus" Josh smirked "I don't other girls behind your back, and I love everything about you."

Maya gave a small smile as she felt herself blush.

"So how about this?" he said "Why don't we all go to the movies? Like a group date."

"I'll call Smackle" Farkle smiled as he started to call Smackle.

"Yeah" Riley smiled "Let's all do that."

"I'm in" Maya smiled.

After the movies, everyone went out of the theater and headed to Josh's car.

"Now that was fun" Zay smiled.

"You were sleeping the whole time" Lucas put in.

"I know, that was fun."

"You feeling okay Maya?" Josh asked.

"I am now" she smiled.

"And hey, if you ever need a date for something, I'm here."

At that point she gave a smirk.

"Alright" she smiled "We'll see."

When they got to Riley's apartment, everyone went into the living room where they sat down.

"Alright I gotta go" Josh said as he turned to Maya "Maya, just to let you know, if you have any problems, don't be afraid ask me for help."

"Okay" she smiled.

"And I promise that I wont be jealous is you date other guys."

"Mm hm" everyone doubted.

"Well, thank you Josh" Maya smiled as they went into a hug.

But as they hugged, they didn't let go as they continued to hug each other with smiles. Everyone watched them hug as Zay quickly snapped a picture on his phone.

"Uh, guys" Riley said as Josh and Maya realized what they were doing.

"Oh" they said as they pulled away.

"You're really warm" Maya said.

"And you smell nice" Josh put in.

"Well uh, goodnight" she smiled.

"Night" he smiled as he left.

At that point Zay started to chuckle as everyone turned to him.

"Are you laughing at that video of Riley smashing cake into Marcus's face?" Farkle asked.

"No" Zay said "I'm laughing at the comments."

"Well he deserved it" Riley said "And that shows to prove that I can be tough."

At that point everyone started to laugh.

"What's so funny now?" she whined.

"It's just funny hearing you say that" Zay chuckle as Riley gave a frown.

When everyone left, Riley and Maya went to the bay window where they sat down.

"So" Riley said "You think you'll be dating other guys soon?"

"Maybe" Maya said "But Josh and I are still doing the Long Game. I mean, you and Lucas have already found each other, and maybe later in life, Josh and I will finally be together, but who knows anything right now?"

At that point Riley gave a smile as she laid her head on Maya's shoulder. As she did so, Maya gave a small smile as she thought about Josh, and how he may be the one for her.

Well that's it for this story, I"m not sure if I'm proud of this, but at least I got a better GMW story coming soon so that's good.

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