I'm Done With This! I'm Done....

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"Everyone thinks I am such a happy person and that i have it all together.
What they don't know is that I'm dying on the inside. I don't have it all together.
I'm falling apart."

Two words.
That's me.
You all call me a happy person. But I'm not.

Friends are suppose to support you, right? Help you. Stand up for you.
Not make fun of you....not call you names. Not laugh at you....

Well then if that's true then tell me why people do that to me.
Call me a friend, but really I'm your enemy.

I'm never happy. This smile I have, it's fake. My laugh, fake. My happiness, fake.
No one understands and no one will.

Say "Oh, I can help!" or "I'm here for you" Can you help me? Can you be there for me? No.

At the end of the word Friend, has the word

It all ends.
This isn't a fairy tail.
There is no happy ending.

She's jealous because I had a boyfriend.
He dumps me, to get with another girl.
His third girlfriend within 3 weeks.

I can't blame him. I'm a piece of shit that he doesn't want to be seen with. I'm nothing. Meatless, worthless. Nothing. I'll just make him embarrassed.

All those names I get called, hurts like hell.
I promise my self not to be sad, but guess what.

That's what I am

I won't matter to anyone. No cares about me, no cares about my life.

My own family doesn't care.

What ever I do is bad

"Shut up, your to loud."

"You sing to loud"

"You're annoying."

"You're weird"

"I don't like you"

"You talk to much"

I get it! You people don't like me. And you never will. My so call "friends" hate me. Everyone.

Just, I wish I was never here in the first place.

I want to be done with this torture.

I want to live a life I like!

I just can't.

Life won't let me.

Adam's Sister X Max (Max X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now