Chapter 24

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I had finally stopped laughing and I was laying on the floor.  I was way too tired to get up and I didn’t trust Zimri to help me get up.  I then got a really good idea.

I sat up then yelled, “Oh my gosh!  Zimri, you know what we should do?  We should make Christmas sugar cookies!”  Zimri looked over at me from the kitchen.

“Why on earth would we do that?” he asked as I got really excited.  I stood up then stumbled over to the kitchen, not waiting for the black to go away.

“Because we have nothing better to do and I love cookies.”  I pleaded him with my eyes and put on a puppy dog face.

“Ugh!  Fine.  Only this once though.” I smiled, but on the inside I was literally jumping everywhere doing a happy dance.  I kissed him on the lips then pulled him out of the house so we could go buy ingredients.

I hopped into my car and waited for him to get in on the other side.  He opened my door then leaned down so I could see his face. “Get out.  I’m going to drive.” He demanded.  I just rolled my eyes and put my seatbelt on.

“I don’t think so.  I don’t trust you because I know you’re just going to drive us somewhere else so that we don’t have to make cookies.”  He groaned then shut my door.  He walked to the other side and got in.  I smirked because I had figured out his plan.

I had found my way to the grocery store after some wrong turns and some very vague instructions from my very annoying boyfriend.  He complained the whole way here.  He was a really good chef and I had no idea why he didn’t want to make cookies.

I hopped out of the car and pulled my backpack with me.  Zimri came a lot slower though, and I ended up turning around and pulling him into the store.  By the time we actually got to the store, my face was red from the cold and me hands had turned snow white.  I put my hands into my pockets and told Zimri to push the cart around.

We went all around the store, collecting all of the ingredients needed to make cookies.  We were now inside the frosting isle and I had picked out red green and gold.  I turned around and was making my way to the checkout when I noticed Zimri wasn’t with me.  I turned around and noticed that he was pulling another color off the shelf.

“Why blue?”  I asked as I lifted it up from the cart.

“Don’t we need snowflakes as well?  Or are we just going to make a ton of Christmas trees?”  I nodded in understanding then put it back into the cart.

We had gotten to the checkout and the lady was scanning the items when I realized that we were going to need paper towels.  I quickly informed Zimri then ran to the paper towel isle.  Sadly, this store put their paper towels on the top shelf.  I got on my tip toes and tried to reach them.

Someone grabbed them for me and I turned to see Zimri.  Of course. “You still can’t reach the top shelf can you?”  He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me back over to the checkout.

“Nope.” was all I said.  I was thinking of the day that we had first met.  It was all because I couldn’t do a simple task as to grab paper towels from the top shelf.

We had all of the stuff in bags and were walking back to my car.  I kept thinking about that day.  All I wanted to do was get away from him.  And now, I felt like I couldn’t live without him.

I hadn’t realized that I had gotten into the passenger side until Zimri had asked for the keys.  I just pulled them out of my bag and handed them to him.  He put them into the ignition but didn’t start the car. “Lirit, are you okay?”  I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine.  Just thinking is all.”

“What are you thinking about?” He asked.

“Uh, just the day we first met.  You know, at the store when I couldn’t reach the paper towels.  I’m just thinking about how all I wanted to do was get away from you.  Now, it’s completely opposite.”  He smiled at my answer.

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