Chapter 25

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I woke up being shaken by Zimri.  I groaned.  “What do you want” I pulled the blanket up even more because I was still tired.

“Lirit, its Christmas Eve.  You should be a little happier.”  I shot up when he said that.  Christmas Eve?!  No!  It’s too soon!  I still need to get Zimri some presents. “See, would you look at that!  She’s up.”  He said happily.

“Why are you so happy?”  I was just generally curious.

“Well we are going to have a super, fantastic, fun day.”  I laughed.

“Yeah, not until I buy some presents for you.”  He shook his head.

“Nope.  I’m not letting you get me a single present.”  I laughed at that as well.

“What if I already bought you like 5 presents, what would you do?”

“Well I would open them of course and I would love then no matter what they were.”  He said with a happy smile.

“See, I can still get you presents and you would love them.”  I jumped off the couch and went into our room.  I started to sift through Zimri’s clothes and found myself with another one of his jackets and some sweatpants.  I had picked out my favorite jacket of his.  I had always loved his California Republic jacket.

I went into the bathroom, taking a towel and my clothes with me.  I hopped into the shower and washed my hair and my body.  I got out of the shower and dried myself with my towel.  I put on Zimri’s clothes then put my wet hair into a messy bun.  I brushed my teeth then walked out of the bathroom.

“You take very short showers.”  Zimri said, making me jump.  I looked to my right and there he was, leaning against the wall.  “And aren’t those my clothes?”  He said, making me blush.

“Yep, it’s your fault you didn’t bring me any clothes.”  I said then turned to my left to go to the kitchen.

“Didn’t you go back to your house?  You could have brought some clothes with then.”  He yelled out to me.

“I had other things on my mind.”  I tossed over my shoulder as I grabbed a cookie out of the bag.  I started to eat it but then stopped when I saw what it said.

“Zimri loves Lirit.”  His name was in blue while mine was in gold.  The word loves was in red but was a little smeared because I had taken a bite of it.  I set the cookie on the counter then pulled another out of the bag that I had frosted.  I ate the whole cookie then went over to my bag and pulled my keys out.  I was getting ready to leave but was waiting for Zimri to get out of the shower.

I heard the shower stop and I turned.  Zimri opened the door and I thought he would have clothes on but instead he just had a towel wrapped around his waist.  I ended up staring at his abs as I stopped eating the cookie that I had in my hand.  I don’t know why he did this to me.  He must know that it affects me.  Zimri started to walk over to me and I took steps back until my back was against the counter.  I stared at his face in hopes that I would somehow forget that he was almost naked.

“You have a little something there.”  Zimri said as he wiped frosting off the corner of my mouth with his thumb.  I took a look at his hand which was a bad idea because I got a glance at his abs and then ended up not being able to look away.  I felt my chin being lifted up and I was now staring at Zimri’s green eyes.

“You know, my face is up here.”  He said then smirked at how my face immediately flushed.  He turned around and walked away, making sure to flex his muscles just a little more while watched his retreating back.  I blinked a couple times after he had walked away.  Why did this boy do this to me?  I bet he thought it was funny.

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