Letter of love

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Cherry lover has been fighting in the war for months. She been alone in the house. Every time she went for groceries she'd come home hoping to see her lover.

It wasn't any easier for him he missed his doll. Hancock thought of her every day, every hour, every second. He always worried he always wonder what if. What if she got hurt, what if someone came. Cherry was always on his mind.

They'd always send letters to each other back and forth. Cherry letters always contained a photo. A photo that make all the other men there (single or married it's is cherry) go crazy so of course Hancock wouldn't share.

The photo he got from his doll would be of her all dolled up. Hair done, make up done, and the nicest outfits. Each photo and letter he got would go in a box to keep them safe. All but the most recent letter and photo those he'd keep in his jacket.

Hancock kept it in his jacket so when he was out on the battle field he'd have them. He was scared he'd read the letter, nervous he'd look right at the photo and know he had to do it he's gotta do it to keep cherry safe.

Cherry couldn't watch tv she'd tryed but when an update on the war came in she would worry she would miss him. So instead she would spend her time tinkering she set up a little work shop for her self. She also set up a little sewing room, out of character for her a bit yes but since the war took stuff like dresses and such away from the common girl she'd had to make her own. 

She was waiting to hear back from Hancock it's been a couple day's he doesn't usually take this long replying. She knew her lover was alive no one came around to tell her other wise. It was odd for him not to reply, and this period between letter the period of no reply made her nervous.

The reason he wasn't replying was because he didn't know what to put. Hancock was injured it had been a gun shot wound to the shoulder. He hasn't written back to cherry because he didn't want to tell her about his injury. He didn't realize not written made her worry more.

When she finally got a letter she was relieved, but when reading the letter she herd of the injury. She was worried yes but there was no need he was healed up and writing back. So she went up to her sewing room and made a new outfit.

The next letter Hancock received was about how if he injured she rather him tell her then not replying at all. The newest photo the fell out of the letter. The photo was of the bombshell herself cherry holding a little tray and wear a nurse outfit.

Oh man did Hancock miss his doll, the position she was in didn't help him ether with his issue. She posed and was bend forwards the slightest just enough you could her panties peek out.

That photo he got made all the other men whistle and howl. He tried to hide the photo from them but all he could do for now was look at the beauty. His beautiful bombshell.

Finally hiding the photo from the other men he replied writing how he missed her and when he gets back what he's gonna do to her in that outfit. Hancock got hot just thinking about it no doubt he grew a little to (get it? You get it?). He put the photo of her in his jacket and sent the letter away to her.

Cherry got the letter and boy she read every detail on what he was gonna do to her when he returned. Before she knew it little cherry was a blushing and wet mess. She haven't gotten her panties off that fast since he hasn't been here but tonight she flung then across the room.

She laid down in her bed bra open and panties off playing with herself. She was a little moaning mess she was moaning  his name. Pertaining it was her John doing it to her not her self.

Month pass, photos past, and letter past. Cherry missed him she wanted him back. She was worried by his last letter, in his last letter he replied to her that he wouldn't be able to write to her for a bit. He was unsure how long but no matter how long it feel like years to her.

Cherry started to lose hope, what if he never comes back. What if he found a new love what if he fell in love with the nurse that help him a while back. She stopped making outfit she stop tinkering.

Cherry barley keep in contact with her friends or her sister. She didn't go out unless to get food. The worst thing had happened to cherry she lost hope.

She laid in bed all morning her room was a mess and her hair was put up in a mess bun. She missed him she felt left. Her sister would stop by once or twice to check on her but there was no hope.

Cherry lost her love probably to some bombshell blonde. She wasn't gonna let this get her down why should it. She got out of bed and hop into a bath.

In the bath all she heard was the phone ring It wouldn't stop. She just ignored it tho why should a phone call intrude her. She shaved every edge of her body and washed her hair. 

Picking out one of her nicest dress (the "skirt") and put up her hair in the bounces curly she could. Next was make up she did her lashes and eye shadow. She put on her reddest lipstick, she stared in the mirror. Hancock would of loved to see her all dolled up like this especially if it was for him.

But he was gone he moved on it was her turn now. The phone still rang like crazy but she ignored it. Putting on her heels she headed to the door. When she opened the door she got a surprise.

There standing in the door way was her baby, her John. "J-john!?" She was shocked. "Cherry!" He hugged her tightly. "Y-your back?" She was surprised and wonder if she was dreaming. "I am and I'm here for good" he said not letting go.

"What do you mean?" She asked puzzled. "It's over cherry! we won!" He said excitedly. "Won? It's over the war?" She smiled. "That why I couldn't write you it was the heat of the battle they wanted use all to be focused" he explained. She teared up and kissed him "I thought you left me". "Me? Leave you? I'd never leave my bombshell especially when your dolled up".

The phone rang again and this time cherry picked up. It was her sister "thank god you picked your". "Hello to you to" cherry said. "Did you see it on the news? We won!" She cheered. Cherry smiled "I didn't see it I had a special someone come tell me" she looked at Hancock and the hanged up on her sister.

She pulled him in to a kiss and then whispered to him "we have some catching up to do". "We certainly do" and with that he picked her up and carried her to there bed room.

The had a lovely night of catching up. She tried on a lot of outfit for him and each one she tried on they tired out. They ended the night with two things one with after sex cuddles and two one last photo and this one would make the men back in the service do way more then howl and whistle.

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