Quick authors note

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Before I begin this probably not too good story, I wanted to say some stuff XD. This was inspired by a sort of animation/comic I saw in YouTube. I sadly don't know the name of it which sucks but if you ever happen to pass by an image looking they undertale images, it's sort of like ink is looking for an AU sans names cross that was combined with chara. And stuff goes down. :3, anywho if u happen to see it plz tell me the title and I'll put it in here for everyone to enjoy. Sadly I have no idea how to put videos on this yet XD if someone could help me with that, that would be great. Alrighty! I think if covered everything. All that's left to do is for your to enjoy this story! And plz tell me if u like it, and what could make it better :3 BAI BAI 

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