Chapter 4

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"Oh how I miss him....."

I woke up to the sound of people talking outside of the room. I held back the urge to bark, since that could get me in trouble. I looked over at frisk who was still sleeping. I debated in my mind whether to move or stay until she woke up. I decided to move, since I was pretty stiff from sleeping in a weird position. I leaped off and landed with a quiet "thump". I looked over at frisk and sighed in relief, she hadn't woken up. I made my way to the door and tried my best to open in. After trying for a while, I saw the doorknob turn and the door opened. I looked up at the yellow lizard I had seen the day before. We sorta stared at rah other for a while. "H-hi! I d-don't think w-we've met y-yet." The lizard stuttered. I tilted my head, gesturing for her to go on. "I-I'm a-alphys." She stuttered. I nodded and nuzzled her hand. She smiled and led me downstairs, but closed the door before we went. I ran downstairs, and headed for the kitchen. I looked up at Toriel making some sort of food. I sat there patiently, waiting for her to notice me. She turned to me, and jumped in surprise. "Oh my.... Don't scare me like that." She said, but smiled and pet my head. I whined and looked over at the back door, which was open. She looked over and nodded, then led me outside. "There you go, don't stray too far. Asgore please watch over her!" Toriel said to me, then Asgore. He nodded, and went back to using the big sharp items on some bushes. I ran around to release the energy I had. I stopped and rolled around in the grass, and looked up at the sky. "It's quite a sight isn't it." Asgore said, smiling at my actions. I barked in agreement, then looked over to the edge of the yard. I got up and shook off the grass off my fur. Asgore went back to trimming the bushes, and I crept closer to the edge of the yard and to the edge of the woods. I stopped and peered into the forest, wondering what it's like. I noticed a strange creature flying over my head, and into the forest. I looked back at the house, and sniffed in the scent. Then I ran after the flying creature, and into the woods.

:le timeskip:

:no ones pov:

"Where is she?!" Undye asked in panic. For the past 12 minutes, the family of monsters had been looking for their wolf friend. "Asgore I thought you were watching her!" Toriel said to him. "I was! I only took my eyes off her for a second, ten she was gone. I thought she went inside so I didn't think much of it." Asgore explained. Meanwhile their nameless wolf friend wandered thru the forest after her new flying friend. 'Hey come back!' She thought and continued to follow it. A few moments later she found herself in a strange abandoned stone structures. She whimpered, realizing she had lost her flying friend and had lost home. She trotted around, sniffing for any scent of home. 'Day one and I'm already lost.' She thought sadly, then sighed. 'I'm not too surprised, considering I probably belong in this AU. Something is probably trying to get me out. Maybe error." She continued as she kept trotting around. Suddenly she heard revving. And the shifting of metal. She quickly hid under a car, shivering. Once the noise stopped, she came out from under the car. She stopped mid-crawl. She came face to fac- er leg, with a human. The human didn't seem to notice, so she managed to slip away undetected. Sadly, the other human spotted her, but much to the wolf's surprise, didn't say anything. When the human turned back to whatever it was looking at, the wolf felt drawn to what they were looking at too. 'What are the- I don't think that's normal!' The wolf thought. Right before her eyes, a giant, yellow, robot stood and watched them.

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