chapter 3: last day of 1 year

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It was about a month before the year ended and Tom had been hanging around you more and more. He would constantly watch you work. Occasionally you'd check him smiling at you. You'd smile back and think nothing of it.

'Lots of guys smile at there best friend' you often thought 'then many boys here have a girl for a best friend?'

Most mornings you and tom spent in the astronomy tower watching the sun rise and sneeking around the castle to avoid getting caught by a teacher or spirit that wondered the halls in the early hours. Altough, one particular morning, it just so happened to be the day before school ended for the term, you woke up when the rest of the girls your roomed with did. Tom
Hadn't come to wake you like he always did. You wondered if something was wrong. Could he have gotten sick? Or what if he just over slept? He had been up late the past few nights studying for the exams. Or..had possible he gotten caught?

'Thats ridiculous, why would he get in trouble for walking around his own common room' you sighed getting out of bed as your roommates gossiped about Merlin knows what while they changed.

After changing into your uniform you walked to the great hall, tom was still no where to be seen. You began to worry. Not only had he missed your mornings in the astronomy tower he wasn't down to get breakfast either.

You began to worry more after not seeing him for the first two periods

Thankfully with worry was short lived, while walkin out of your third period you were pulled out of the crowd by your arm

"Ah-!" You started when you felt a hand cover your mouth

"Shh. It's ok" a voice said slowly moving his hand away

"Tom..?" You whisper

He smiled nodding "follow me" he pulls you along after him through the crowds an the halls in the large castle

"Tom were gonna be late to class!" You whisper a little loudly to him as you're pulled out if the castle

"We aren't going to class"

'This isn't like him..what's with him..?' You thought as you walk to a small wooded area. "Tom where are we going?" You smiles a little confused when he stops "what is this?" You smile  staring at the willow tree in front of you

"(Y/n).." Tom smiled softly at you "I um..I'm not sure how to ask you but..I'm hoping showing you is just as good" as he said this he pulls the willow branches. Before you was a table set for two beside a small pond. Lights floted all over the beautiful scene and your were absolutely speachless.

Tom notices your face and takes your hand gently "(y/n)..I know we're both young and you don't have to say yes if you're not..comfortable." He seemed more sincere more heartfelt they he had been to you "but id like to ask..will you go out with me"

You blushed nodding "yes" you smile as he smiles back "yes of course tom" you hug him and he slowly hugs you back

After a wonderful lunch full of the two you of you talking and laughing, you walked back to the castle to finish you last exams. Durning your exams you would both glance at each other and you would both smile when your eyes met.

But despite all this positive feelings you realized something. You wouldn't be seeing each other until the end of the summer and when school would start again. This cause you to look down at your exam and bit your lip, knowing that after the summer it would be like no time had passed at all

YOU GUYS I DID IT!!! I finally finished this chapter! I'm so sorry how long this too 😂 so the next think I'm going to do is developed some sort of update schedule.
Until next time my little demons

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