Chapter One

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Alice's POV
I was in my monthly routine of moving to new foster homes. By now it was just part of my life I was used to it.
This would be like what my 7th or 8th foster home this year and it was only July.
I never really got in with my past families they always tried to change me like excuse me but maybe I'm happy with the way I am. And some were just in it for the money and wouldn't care where I am just when social workers came round but apart from that they gave me space.

As we approached this little suburban town guarded by security check in I literally wanted to gouge my eyes out. Once we were allowed past we continue to drive past all these housed surrounded in small white picket fences.
It was official I'm in hell.

Then we slowed at a larger sized house with a woman and man standing outside their gate.

"Oh god no" I muttered to myself. I can't live here.

As I make my way to the back of the car to get my stuff my social worker stops me and gives me "some words of wisdom" and tells me that I have to behave as this is the only family willing to take me. She also mentioned something about them having a kid my age but I kinda just blanked out as I honestly couldn't give a shit.

After what felt a lifetime of nodding and occasional yes' my social worker FINALLY stopped talking like thank fuck. We started walking towards the couple and I was already ready to just turn around and leave but these people were my last hope so I couldn't just leave.

"Hi my name is Mary, this is my husband Stewert." She smiles and reaches her hand out towards me. I shake it and respond by telling her my name. I'm not gonna lie but I swear if she didn't stop smiling she might actually be stuck that way it was so creepy.

"Hey I'm Stewert but you can call me Stew if you want I don't mind" he was more relaxed than his wife thank god.

Mary walked us into their home it was big and white and extremely clean. These people must have some money. It's a shock to see such a well kept place as all my placements weren't the best.

We got given a quick well when I say quick I mean it took an hour before I was shown where  my room was but before I could go in we had to sit and talk through the rules like what the hell in not 7.

Thankfully that didn't take too long so I went to my new room and was shocked to see it was the whole top floor but then I realise a second bed. It must just be a spare right?
But then I looked around more and it became obvious someone else slept in this room.

Maybe I'm just in th wrong room as this house is HUGE so it's an easy mistake. I made my way back out and just dumped my stuff in the hall and waited for my social worker to leave.

As she left Mary and her husband walked towards me with a smile.

"Where's my room again?" I sounded really bitchy but come on I'm tired give a girl a break.

They simply smiled and carry my bags into the room I was just in. I'm confused.

"Why are there two beds in here?" I ask in pure confusion.

"Sorry it slipped out mind to tell you. You'll be sharing this room with our son. You two are about the same age you'll get on well" Stewert says.

"Sure" I say in a sarcastic tone.

They left and sat on the double bed with my headphones in grabbed my book and read.

About half an hour later the door opened to reveal a tall, muscular guy. At the start he look confused but then nodded. I don't know maybe he remembered.

"Hey, I'm Brandon" he says laying on his bed. He had a thick English accent like his dad. I stayed quiet though it was pointless me introducing myself he already knew who I was so why waste valuable oxygen.

He has long brown hair that was perfectly messy. Okay if I'm being truthful he was okay looking who am I kidding the guys a GOD but it didn't matter I hated him. Not reason I judge quick.

***couple hours later***

I felt a hand touch my shoulder I flinched as my eye met his.

"Dinner is ready" he says with a small smile. He looked as if he was gonna say something else but decided against it.

"Don't touch me" I snap as he looks as me. He suddenly started fm back away with his hand in the air.

I got up and stormed out and made my way to the kitchen it took a whole not gonna lie. He somehow was down before me.

I take a seat at the table to see a plate of spaghetti in front of my seat. I spend the majority of dinner just pushing it around my plate.
Stew cleared his throat with a cough which made me jump.

"Do you want some more?" Mary says. I just look at her like what the hell woman I haven't even eaten this yet.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything? Brandon asks. I shook my head slowly he just took my plate and took it to the sink.

I mumble thanks and make my way to my room to write in my diary I don't know why it's just something I've always done.

July 15
Help me!
I've been here 4 hours and I hate it these people are so pushy and stuck up. And the Brandon kid is starting to piss me off.
I hope I can have a good sleep tonight though. I don't want these people judging me thinking great we've been stuck with a crazy girl and too much to handle... Well to be honest I am but I don't want them to judge me for than they already do but I'm kinda tired of always moving as I've been to A LOT of places and I have to make this work.

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