Naoki Jomko

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Name: "Naoki Jomko, nice to meet you" *smiles*

Age: "17"

Gender: "I'm male" (Female)

Birthday: "17th September, so bring me presents!"

Sexuality: "Love stuff... I'm not into that" (Bi)

Appearance: *sigh* "Well... You see, I'm actually a female... Mom and dad say I'm to boyish for my own good. I have short green hair, brown eyes, and wear guy clothes. Yes I crossdress. Do you have a problem with that? Anyways, its either shirts or jeans, the latter."

Personailty: "I'm very masculine... People mistake me for a guy" *sweatdrop* "I'm tough, can lift heavy objects, I ship... Man, dad taught me well"

Likes: "Sports, having fun, shipping people together and making them couples"

Dislikes: "When people find out that I'm actually a female with very undeveloped boobs and freak out because I cross dress" *sweatdrop* "And also when ships fail..."

Background: "I was raised by the best father ever! He let me be who I wanted to be, unlike mom who well... Ahem, made me wear things I didn't want to. I HATE SKIRTS AND DRESSES, THEY'RE REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE!!" *anime cries*

Ryu: There there Nao. *pats her back*

Family: "My dad, mom, younger sis... Thats about it"

Others: "I'm an amazing long distance runner!"



Yeah, the name Naoki is actually also a female name!!

And that gave me the inspiration for this character XD

Thats all, Fox out!

Ryu Jomko: The Jomko ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now