Chapter Eight- Something Red

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Eleanor had been locked away in her room by the side of her captor. Taking what she learned from her time with Jasper, she tried to get a peak at his identity, but didn't see anything but extra ammunition in his coat. During the twenty-one days he made himself at home, Jasper tried to find different ways to help her-but in each instance, they would be caught. Eleanor would then be hit. It was obvious he knew the relationship between the princess and her bodyguard, and would not let them be together. But one day, he got careless.

"Get me breakfast." Her eyes grew wide. Suddenly, she realized this was her chance. To see Japser, to possibly hatch a plan. Acting as if it was more of a trial than an opportunity, she quickly jumped up and moved out the door, rushing to the kitchen. She ran into a guard who was surprised to see her.

"Where is Jasper?"

"In his room, down the hall-" Without hesitation, she passed through the kitchen, tore through the halls before opening his door to see him standing there, damp from a shower. Her gaze froze on him as he ran to her, embracing her against him. Slightly lifting her off the ground from the force of the caress, they parted just before sharing a kiss. His hands planted firmly onto her hips, he set a sweet buss upon her lips before pulling back-questioning her sole existence.

"What are you doing here? How can you be here?"

"He wanted me to get him breakfast...must have forgotten it was stupid to let me go alone...but I can't be gone long. I have a plan."

"Tell me..." He said as he motioned towards the bed to his clothes, placing an object at a time on as she spoke.

"If I can gain his trust, then he will let me go more freely-which will allow me the opportunity to get help from someone-or find out if and how many people are going to attack us if I do flee."

"I too have an idea..." He said as he buckled his belt in front of her, still with an impressive torso tempting her. She anxiously awaited his idea before freezing at his words.

"Marry me. He could not kill you...or hurt you without me striking him or whoever with death. I would be the Prince...and you would be protected. He is not the only one with friends."

The thought did cross her mind, but placed her in a state of shock. "I ever thought if I did get married, it would be an overnight Vegas-type theme due to the rules of my mother selecting my husband...but...-"

"It is simply an alternative...but the main objective is to keep everyone safe." Before long, the sound of thrown trays were heard as the captor's voice was heard down the hallway from Jasper's room. Not given enough time to hide her, Jasper simply stood in front of her, holding a hand out to protect her. Smirking at his heroism, she quickly faded into fear as the man entered the room, pointing the gun directly at Jasper.

"I don't know why I didn't kill you before...I had no reason to keep you around..."

Cocking the gun back, Eleanor tried to plead with the gunman, but he seemed hellbent on ending Jasper's life. Gripping Eleanor's hand, she showed no emotion but that, before the gun went off, leaving them both trembling. Discovering it was jammed, Jasper rammed him against the wall, beating him to a bloody pulp before he was unconscious. Not allowing him to escape again, he used the ropes that held the curtains back as ties before forcing him into a servant's closet. Spreading the news that he was to be ignored and abandoned, Jasper then moved Eleanor back to her room.

"Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that...your knuckles are red and peeling..." She winced at seeing them before he placed one hand on her cheek.

"As long as you are alright...I don't care about anything else..."

"but you almost died for me...if that would have gone off..."

He moved her gaze towards him as tears filled her eyes. Before he could speak, a tear escaped her eye and she made a sweet confession; "I can't lose you."

"You won't.' he kissed her forehead before leaving her to her room. Upon disposing of the captor's things, she came across a black bag hidden underneath her bed. Looking around her, she quickly pulled it onto the bed and tore through it, finding a magazine of the royal family's gossip on the cover, several surveillance photos, and a passport. Reading the name out loud, she scowled in confusion.


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