Chapter Fourteen- Under the Radar

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Eleanor rushed to Jasper's side before finding the gunman had vacated. She used her lap for a headrest before gently talking to him-trying to get him to wake up. As she rubbed through his hair, she found he did not faint from the gunshot or the fear, but from this head injury. Pulling the phone from her pocket, she directed the paramedics to her location before they brought Jasper into a hospital where she sat anxiously at his side. It was disclosed to her that he had a small amount of swelling in his brain that caused a slight coma and he would have to be on constant rest-if he were to wake up.

For the first time in Eleanor's life, everything was put in hindsight. She jumped at each noise and pulse of the machine beside him-realizing she wanted nothing more than him to help her through this.


"Where are we?" Ophelia asked as she pushed her way through a set of creaky doors before coming up towards an abandoned house. Incredibly quaint and isolated from neighbors and life itself, Liam moved forward into the residence before seeing the inside had been quite furnished. Modern technologies lingered on walls, desks, and counters. Even an updated computer system sat way off in the corner, but they were very small spaces-something neither him or Ophelia had been used to.

"There are two rooms and a pull out couch. I will take the couch-"

"I prefer it." Liam offered as Ophelia's gaze shot to him.

"I don't mind it."

"I would prefer it if I would-I can guard my research..."


Robert moved towards his computer before placing his thumb underneath the table and the screen came on, revealing a facial scan as well as a room scan. Speaking to him in a different language-which had been Russian, the computer then showed files encrypted on his hard drive. Each under a different name and each with a number-but all had been locked with individual passwords.

Moving to a file in the far corner, Robert opened it to reveal current surveillance on the palace. Beside that had been cellular conversations from Liam's phone, Eleanor's phone, and even Jasper's phone. They appeared like instant messages and continued in a crazy amount.

"Why do you have all of this?" Ophelia asked as she leaned closer.

"It is an excruciating long story with too many players to understand-"

"Try us..."

He took a deep breath and pulled up a file.

"I found this while looking for some charity paperwork...." Pulling up a picture, Liam peered close before speaking aloud as he read, "One million each year of funds to be sent to account 548-04-1992US."

"It took me over four months to locate that account. Upon doing so, I discovered I was being followed-analyzed...and eventually threatened. I realized in order to continue doing my research, I would have had to do something drastic." He hung his head for just a moment. "I never meant for it to cause any pain...I never meant for it to last this long..."

"What was in the account?"

"It was cleaned and I couldn't..." He stood and began pacing before throwing his hands around as he spoke. "The names that were associated with the account had been unimportant...I thought mother and father must have tried to help people-but then I realized these people...all shared something..."

Liam glared.

"Our bloodline."

Ophelia gasped.

"I don't understand..." Liam said glaring at the screen.

"I went to the hospitals where they were born, scanned and hacked everything I could with the help of those I being your father..." His gaze moved to Ophelia. "I then discovered they were siblings-half."

"But that would mean...that would mean mother or father would have had to have had several affairs..."

"Dozens throughout the course of their reign. For mother, she had three with the military man of hers...Captain Lacey...Father...he fell for a woman in England before our mother..."


"No. Her name was Celia or Celeea...something with that ring-it was a torrid affair...but it resulted in a set of twins and two others...all belonging to this account."

Liam glared further. "Why would they hide this? Why go to this extreme?"

"The thing is...with Helena, it is not an extreme pressure because she is only royal through our father...but with is...they are all heirs.."

"Do they know?"

He nodded. "And they all want a piece of it. That is why it is very dangerous. Eleanor is the most vulnerable because she is the next in line to take the throne."

"What about me?"

"You aren't Simon's son..."

"Whose am I?"

"I don't know...and with me out of the picture...she goes to hold it...when Cyrus dies-"

"You know?"

He nodded. "I see all." He said, motioning to the cameras.

"What do we do?"

"We have to keep an eye on everything and everyone-keep Ophelia and Eleanor away from everyone as much as possible. Find out what these people want."

"Wait...but my father...He...he killed Simon..."

Robert nodded. "He did it because there are those who seek the crown without being of noble blood...those who riot against our family because of the wish to abolish the monarchy-to make the world a place of fair working...they all want to admire something they know nothing about. They want to have something to distract themselves....and your father was targeted by those who want to see you thrive but be miserable...they want the drama-the story...but others want it burned down...Your father was blackmailed by them..."

"But he would have found another way..."

"Ophelia...your father has been suffering with mental hallucinations for the past few months before the incident. He went to doctors upon doctors who just gave him amounts of time..."

"' don't know-"

"He was blackmailed by these people...they threatened to make him lose his job, and when that didn't work, they threatened you-gave specifics as to your routine..."

"I knew he didn't do it-not because he was sick...but to protect me..."

"I am truly sorry for what has become of him..."

"I don't understand what we can do now..." Liam added.

"I located the twins...they live in California...But...the only way to get to them-" Suddenly a loud noise was heard outside. Peeking out the window, they saw a car smoking on the road before Robert pointed to stay back.

"Under NO circumstances can you be seen. Do you understand?"

Both Ophelia and Liam nodded and went upstairs, watching from a small hole in the upstairs curtains.


Eleanor moved towards the hospital bathroom before feeling an emotional withdraw with everything that has happened. The moments played in her mind like a slide show, rapid and ceasing at crucial moments. Upon doing this, she didn't notice the people following her at a safe distance. When turning a corner, she was pulled out a back exit and thrown into a car where she was bound and gagged before being knocked unconscious.

Classified (A Jasper and Eleanor (Jaspenor)) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now