Chapter 1 : Working in Rika's Absence.

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In the memory of Mikhail.

"Please. Don't do this. Don't reset on me again."

You ignored the voice and reached out your palm, a huge screen displayed infront of you.

"Why? Why are you doing this?! Why do you want to reset again?! Aren't my love for you enough?!"

They pleaded again. The voice was shaking and filled with despair. You turn to look at them.

"I'm sorry. I need to do this. I need to finish everything."

You replied to them. Their face contorted into frustration. You placed your palm over the reset button. They yelled, over and over.

"Please! Please don't! I can't! I love you! Don't do it, please! I don't want you to forget! Please don't!!"

Too late. You pressed the reset button.

"Beep. Beep. Beep."

The beeping from your handphone startled you from you dream. You groaned, feeling unpleased for being awoken. Still, you reach out to Sebastian (Yes, you named your phone) and swiped your thumb over the red button. The beeping stopped immideatly and you sighed gratefully.

"What a weird dream..."

You hold up Sebastion close to your face and squinted. The clock displayed 3.27 PM. You groaned again. This is the third time that you have caught yourself falling asleep in the evenings. Replying to all those emails and chatting with the others did a great toll to your sleeping pattern. But you are still feeling warm and happy.

"I am sure that today will end up being great again."

You smiled to yourself, planting good vibes into your head. Grunting, you stood up from the bed (Rika's bed) and made your way to the bathroom. You passed by the big, wide window, pulling the heavy curtains aside to reveal the late evening scenery. You stood for a bit, admiring.

The day greets you with the sight of grey buildings and the cold eccentric blue sky slightly dabbed with orange. The scenery of great green contrasted the image, lush field of grass from the park send colour vibrations through your eyes' lenses.

It has been 5 days since you have joined the RFA and you are already wearing out. Your eyes feels strained because you have been staring into the bright screen of your device for more than your usual amount of time.

"I should finish the rest of the replying works today. There is only a few more emails left to reply."

You told yourself out loud.

"Except guests are invited. Then I'll have to reply to those as well."

Your mind swerved to the guest list, remembering the names of each respectful guests. The upcoming party needs to be successful. You were determined to have the party be successful. You were very determined.

The floor felt cold under your feet as you entered the bathroom to wash your face. You turned on the faucet and splashed a handful of water to your face.

The cool water managed to refreshen you. You reached to your left and grabbed onto the hand towel.

"I need to cook something for dinner.."

Your voice muffled by the towel as you roughly wipes your pretty face dry from the dampness.

"..or else they will be fussy about it again."

The RFA members is always worried about your diet. The 'have you eaten yet?' question would always be there in every conversations. But its not like you can blame them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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