New college

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So I walk in to the school wearing a blue shirt that says Geek on it and some galaxy pants. My hair in a messy French braid and a bag that says Fangirl on it with One Direction below the lettering.

I go to a dorm with that has girls written on it and walk in the door. It was very old fashioned, light blue curtains and a desk in the corner, with 2 bunks (matching the curtains) on the sides of the room. I see one girl that is laughing with her friends and she looks like a kind person. So knowing myself I went up their and introduced my self. "Hi, um my name is Day, Day Hugeman. And I was wondering if you knew where a place I could stay here?" She looked at me and smiled.

"My name is Hope, Hope Carew and there is a place right next to ours if you want it!" I seriously wanted to do some really weird crap when she said that, but this has been along time since I have been happy talking to someone. (I do really weird crap when I'm happy)

I went in the room that looked exacally like the one before, with Hope near by and put my stuff down. The room looked like their was only one bed next to me. "Is anyone here with me" I asked in a really weird, confuse tone. "Um, there is someone coming in a few weeks I think....but I'm not sure but I can sleep her tonight with you. To make sure there aren't any monsters!!" She excitedly whispered looking around the room.

I looked at her and played along, "yes maybe we could monster hunt...I don't want and creepy ninjas in my dorm!!!" I whispered loudly. "Ow and can we also make forts too!!!" Hope said jumping up and down.

After I got settled I went in to the school.

I walked in the door with lots of swarming people with books and folders, everyone was different and that is how I like it. No one that can say something mean to you because you look different.

I walk to the middle o the hallway and take out my schedule

12:00 theatre

4:00-6:00 chorus

Since it was 11:40 and I didn't want to be late. I asked a teacher and she said it was all the way down on the right. So you guessed it I went in that direction and went in. I saw just a few faces. One boy with dark brown hair and glasses, and another one with brownish blackish hair that had some whiskers (not actual whiskers)

I sat down in the second row in the front. Two desks away from the two boys.

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