Chapter(1):Debuting on the Main Roster & Meeting The Shield

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Emily POV


Finally,Tonight is my debut,And my mom gave me a match againest AJ Lee for the WWE DIVAS Championship, I was walking in the halls to my parents office,I reached the office and knocked the door the I heard my mom say come in,I got in and saw my mom,Dad and My Boyfriend Randy,My mom came to me and hugged me tightly,I hugged back then she pulled away and dad hugged me too,Randy kissed me then He got out with dad cause they had something important to do

"How can I help you,sweetie"Mom said

"I wanna tell you something " I said

"you can tell me anything you wanna tell me "She said with a soft smile

"Well, I know that Randy is my boyfriend for 7 months but I had enough,I hate him and I can't hide it anymore mom"I said and looked at the ground

"and why have you stayed with him if you don't love him"She said

"well,you and dad want me to be with him "I said

"Emily,Sweetheart,I can't control your love life so is your dad and if you wanna break up with Randy,we will support you and if you want to stay with him so do it,and we will support you,okay"She said

"okay"I said and hugged her then pulled away

"Now go get ready cause your winning is the best for buissnes "mom said

"I'll do my best"I said and then walked out the office and walked to the divas locker room and wore my ring attire , applied my make up and curled my long blonde hair

the locker room was so noisey so I got out of the locker room searching for a quiet place then it was "Emily's Adventure Time",I continued walking in hall until I reached quiet and dark place,but I found a weak light source and heard voices,I was ...

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the locker room was so noisey so I got out of the locker room searching for a quiet place then it was "Emily's Adventure Time",I continued walking in hall until I reached quiet and dark place,but I found a weak light source and heard voices,I was curious so I continued walking then I saw three guys dressed in black vests,the first one has two toned hair and brown eyes,the second one looked crazy but handsome he has dirty blonde hair colour and ocean blue eyes,the last one is the most handsome one out of them he had long black hair and greyish blue eyes

the locker room was so noisey so I got out of the locker room searching for a quiet place then it was "Emily's Adventure Time",I continued walking in hall until I reached quiet and dark place,but I found a weak light source and heard voices,I was ...

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"Hi,I'm Emily" I said and the two toned one jumped a little

"What the hell are you doing here,this is our place"He said yelling

"Seth,calm down man,She is new here"the Handsome sexy one said

"Yeah,Calm down big baby,I'm Dean By the way"The crazy looking one said

"And I'm Roman" the handsome said

"and you already known Seth" Dean said

"so you're the girl that came from NXT and everyone is talking about" Roman said asking

"yeah,and my parents are Hunter and Stephanie McMahon"I said

"Seth,I guess you should apologise to her before you get fired"Dean said

"I don't use this power that I have to fire people,I hate doing this but my parents love it"I said

"Well,I'm sorry for being a bitch with you"Seth said

"it's okay,I gotta go,see you later"I said

"Maybe,you can come with us after the show for dinner and Paige is coming too"Seth said

"okay,I will come" I said and walked away

(30 Mins Later)

another 30 mins and it's time for my match so I decided to go to the gorilla early when I was walking I bumped into someone ,I lost my balance fell on the ground,I looked up at him and saw that he was Roman

"I'm sorry,let me help you"He said and offered me his hand I took his hand,and when our hands touched I felt butterflies,I've never felt this feeling with Randy,and it actually felt good,Roman helped me up then we started talking,and joking then..........


"I guess you came for another ass kick,Orton"Roman said smirking 

"Stay away from her"Randy said and attacked Roman 

"RANDELL KEITH ORTON"I yelled and he turned his attention to me 

"you know what we are done I don't wanna be your girlfriend,and I don't love you ,I hate you so fucking much"I said and and slapped him then walked over to Roman who was standing looking me,I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I kissed him andhe kissed back, it was the most perfect feeling I've ever felt in my life I pulled away looking into his eyes 

"I know that we had just met but I think I fell in love with you"Roman said

"Me,too"I said then we kissed again 

"Emily McMahon,Can you please come to the gorilla cause your match is about to start"A voice came out of the speakers

"well,I gotta go"I said

"Go win that title,Baby Girl"Roman said and luckily he didn't see me blush or maybe he saw me but pretended not to see

I walked to the gorilla and my music played(the video above), I made my entrance then AJ made her entrance and the bell rang 

 I was setting Aj for the pedigree but The Evolution's music played and MY dad,Batista,and Randy came out then The  Shield music played ,The Shield attacked The Evolution,Aj hit me from behind then she pinned me but I kicked out before the ref. count,then I punched her and knocked her down on the mat then I went to the top rope and did The Frog Splash on her I pinned her



3..and the bell rang


then the shield got in the ring and congratulated me then Roman walked over to me and kissed meand i kissed him back and the fans cheered 


we arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food then we talked ,joked laughed,then the waiter served our food

"so,what is going on between you and Roman"Paige asked 

"In the the ring we are in a storyline and Roman said he is gonna take me on a date next week"I said then we ate our food and drove to the hotel,I parked my car in front of the hotel then grabbed my bags and booked my room then I took the key,I got in the Elevator and the door closed,it stopped at my floor and I walked out  and walked to my room when I reached my room I unlocked the door and got in then closed the door,I changed into comfortable clothes then went to sleep dreaming about my new love Roman Reigns

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