Chapter 1: We All Need Something

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Hey Everybody!!! This is my new Fanfic Diana!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger beginning...!!!!

~Thanks For reading loves .... Briexx


"Niall can you please tell me what is going  on? Who is Diana? And why were you on the ground like freaking out Mate...?" Harry looked concerned

I coughed a little before explaining "Harry the song Diana... There's an actual girl... I  just pictured her... she was upset and crying.... I have to find her.... I need to save her Harry..."

Niall.. Breath... "How do you know she even exists? You think you can actually find her? What did she even look like? was she hot?" Harry smirked

"Really Harry!!???!? This could be her life on the line and your asking me if she was hot! Yes I do think I can find her! I will find her Harry" I was getting pretty mad now

Harry shook his head "Niall i will help you find her!!!! You can do this ok... We will find Diana"

I smiled "Thank you Harry!!!!! This stays between me and you though!! I'm going to get my laptop so we can start searching for her"

I stood up and walked to my room.. before walking up the stairs I turned to Harry

"Harry..... She was HOT!!!!!" I smiled and walked upstairs to my room

I grabbed my laptop and headed back downstairs...


"Niall this isn't working... Millions of Diana's follow you on twitter" I say look her up on facebook.. Everyone has facebook

"Harry maybe i follow her on twitter though.... I mean how else would I have pictured this girl?" I wasn't giving up on twitter yet....

"I have an Idea" Harry shouted!!!!!!!!! I laughed

"whats the idea Harry???" I was eager now

"Send out a tweet.. saying like.. Im looking for a girl named Diana and give a description" Harry nodded proud of himself for coming up with that one....

I smiled and composed a tweet

Niall Horan: Im looking for Diana. She has long blonde hair and green eyes!!! Average height.. Nails painted black.. Please Only Respond If you are THAT Diana......

I feel like this isn't going to work Harry.....UGHHHHH I checked the responses.. none... did the directioners actually listen and not respond.....

"niall this might work.... if they don't respond" Harry looked anxious. so was I.. please Diana.... I would never mistreat you... just respond....

A notification popped up on my phone... a response.....

Amy Rose: @NiallHoran I think you're looking for Diana Jones... She goes to my school.......

"YESS!!!!!! Look up Diana Jones"!!!!!!! Harry screamed....... I hope this works

I typed in Diana Jones in Google...... 93,600,000 results....... Shit....

"Try Diana Jones on twitter Niall" Harry suggested

I went back to twitter... That's a lot of people as well.......

I went back to the response

Niall Horan: @AmyxxDirectioner Does Diana Jones has a twitter, or Instagram.. anything....

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