Chapter 3: They make you look so small

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Hi my loves!!! 1000 apologies for not updating!!!!!!! I know it's late but here it is!!!!

P.s. Read the authors note


Diana's POV

so that was it.... I was niall horans diana......

How did he even know me..... what was all this madness ......

Do I even want to be his Diana

Well... I guess it won't hurt

*calls unknown*

Niall: hullo? *sleepy voice*

(Oh shit the time difference)

Diana: hi! this is Diana

Niall: OMG DIANA!!!!!!!!! Hi this is niall!!!! thank you so much for calling me love!!!!

(Did he just call me love?)

Diana: no problem! so rumor has it I'm your Diana!!!!??????

Niall: yes you are!!!! I would love to explain how I um.. know you but that should be in person!!!!!!

Diana: wait you wanna meet me?

Niall: of course!!!! I've been dying to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!

Diana: wow! um.... we are pretty far apart though!!!!!!!

Niall: we will be in CA soon!!!! I hope I can see you when we're there!

Diana: that'd be cool!! you have my number so..... that's how you'd contact me obviously,,!!!! *laughs*

Niall: yes!!! I have to go but I will call you a little later when it's not 3am!!!

Diana: oops sorry bout that Niall!!!!

Niall: no problem babe, I'm so happy you called me!!!

Diana: I'm glad we spoke!! bye Niall!!! I'll talk to you later!!!!!

Niall: bye!!!!

*ends call*

OMG did I really just talk on the phone with Niall Horan????????

I could not wait for the boys to come to California

Id have my chance

For happiness

For change

For friendship

For...... erm..... love?



no was that all a dream???? I curled up in a ball!!!!!!! my friend Liz standing over me concerned......

"Diana what's wrong??? what happened?????"

I spoke through sobs "I'm Diana"



I had the craziest dream last night!!!!!

I went right to sleep after the radio interview........

I dreamed that I texted Diana and she responded..........

Ughhh my head is pounding!!!! did I drink last night????

Then it happened....

I saw her... I saw Diana..

She was curled up in a bed crying

Another girl was there talking to her.... I couldn't see Diana she was mostly covered in a blanket and large hoodie

I heard them though... the girl was shouting at Diana


Diana sobbed more.. if I was there

The sobs died for a moment

She spoke "Niall Horan..... I spoke to Niall Horan in my dream.... I'm his Diana..... but it's not real"

She sobbed again more this time !!

I couldn't see her anymore...

I was distracted and concerned....

Diana was upset... It made me upset

I wish that wasn't a dream.... I mean I do have her number but........

The conversation doesn't exist.... only in me and Diana's mind does it replay

That's it!!!!

I have her number

I can contact her... but sadly as harry from London and not Niall Horan.

I longed of just hold her..

It's not fair!

I'd hold her tight and song to her!!! remind her every minute she's beautiful!!!!!!!! she saves me, and I need to save her!!

If she only knew how much I loved her

........ I pulled out my phone...

There was a bunch of messages from the boys..... I'll read em later.......

To: Diana

Don't cry love.... you don't know me..... but I can feel you crying!! stay strong baby..

From: unknown


I hope she reads it

I just wanna see her smile.........


authors note!!!!!

Hey loves!!!!!!!

First I wanna apologize for such a late update!!!!

I just sat in class and wrote all this for you!!!!

It broke my heart making that all a dream but, it has to be done!!!!!

so niall girls...... isn't niall just absolutely adorable????? just saying lmao


SO.. Harry isn't single apparently.........

I'm dying

Ok so question is

Has Diana been seeing niall in visions too??????????


I'm going to try to update before Christmas definitely!!!!!!

Love you all so much

Please keep reading!!!!!

It means so much to me


~Brie xxxxx

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