Seventeen (End)

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POV: Namjoon
"That's bullshit, you only just met him! You really love him?" Yoongi asked bitterly, the gun slowly turning towards me.

"Yes... I do!" I screamed. "I do love him!"

"He's a stripper, Namjoon," he hissed. "What the hell are you on about?! Does it seem like a stripper like V has feelings for you?!"

"So what if I'm a stripper?!" Taehyung suddenly yelled from behind me. "Just because I do something like strip-teasing for a job, you think that I can't feel love?!"

"Taehyung..." I turned around, my face softening as he glared at Yoongi with his burning eyes.

"You never had feelings for me when I confessed to you that other night, and you've turned down so many other people as well, so why is it that when he comes along, you're suddenly head over heels for him?!"

"Shut the fuck up, Yoongi! Get out! I love Namjoon, so?! What's the problem? What happened to Hoseok? I know for a fact that he genuinely loves you from the bottom of his heart, so go back to him!"

"Please...." he scoffed. "Stop fucking lying, I know you don't mean any of that bullshit about Hoseok..."

"Of course I do! Why would I ever lie about something like that?" he yelled back. "Have you seen how much he admires you every time you go to the club?"


"Just leave. Please. I know that this isn't even my house, but I really don't care. Leave, and go back to Hoseok... go back to the person who will definitely love you forever," he said quietly, his voice trailing off. "Leave me and my precious boyfriend alone."

"Taehyung..." I repeated. "You don't have to do that. You don't have to stand up for me, I'm not a child!"

"But I love you..." he said weakly. "I really do love you, so please... Yoongi, drop that gun and leave. Please!"

Surprisingly, his face softened, and he did as told. He turned on his heel and reluctantly opened the front door, dismissing himself out.

Before he left, though, he softly mumbled something, but it was loud enough so I could hear it.

"I'm so sorry... " he whispered.

"Don't be sorry," Taehyung said back, before Yoongi was completely out of sight.

I didn't think that he would leave so quickly.

"Well, our night was disturbed, wasn't it?" I laughed sheepishly.

"Yeah," he nervously chuckled back. A loud silence filled the air as we just stood there, not speaking a single word.

The silence, though, had cooled us down. It had refreshed us, going over the stupid, lame things that had happened over the course of this very chaotic night.

"Namjoon?" he spoke up, finally.

"Yeah, babe?"

"You really are too hot to handle... not even a striptease like me can handle you!"

             THE END
Heyyya, I hope u enjoyed reading this fic! It was originally supposed to just be a Vmon short smut but somehow an actual plot got involved but idk how tho??? XD

Anyway, if u read any of my other fics, u might have noticed that I'm sort of finishing a lot of my fics, which have mainly come to an end anyway so I'm not trying to rush any ends or anything like that so pls don't think that XD

but the reason I'm doing that is bc I want to put out some new fics to replace the other ones that I had, so I want your guys' opinion.

Soon, I will be releasing a Taegi fic called 'Look, Listen' about blind Tae and deaf Yoongi who bond over music and stuff but I want to narrow it down to two fics that I will def publish. Hope you'll read and enjoy it!!

As always, thank u, and see u in the next fic! ^3^

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