11:Error x Blue Neko

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Let's just get to it......

Error:who is it for this chapter Inky?
Me:*flipping through the list of ships* um...Error x Blue
Error: 1:not doing that, I'm married, 2:he's... A Neko!
Me:I know, by you have to,I'm sorry
Error:fine, but wouldn't make Blue not a cinna bun anymore?
Me:but he's a Neko,he will not remember anything when he's back to normal, just ask Alphy
Alphys:y-yes, inky's r-right, he won't r-remember anything when h-he gets back to n-normal
Error:fine, I will do it, ugh jeez
Error starts petting Blues head, making him purr.
"Meow?"Blue questions Error.
Error starts blushing yellow.
Blue licks Errors face while Error Blushing yellow.
Ink:oh jeez, I can't take this anymore
Fell:I can,torture is fun
Me:oh shut,your gonna do one
Fell: but I have done one*smirks*
Me:shut up
Blue blushes deeply as Error kisses Blue.
Me:naww, that's so cute*dies inside*
Error:can't do this anymore nope*tps far away*
Me:oh...um, sorry guys for the short chapter, error couldn't do it so he teleported to another universe
Fell:yea, it's short, the next one will be longer, maybe
Me: yea, the next one will be a lot longer, bye guys*Blue snuggles up to me and I start blushing*
Fell:aww I think he likes you
Me:ya think?
Fell:no, I don't think
Me:wow, just wow

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