Chapter 2: Escape!

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Authors Note: I hope you the second chapter!!!!


RECAP: Looking behind me I let out a scream that only goes halfway….

A strong hand covers my mouth, causing chills to travel down my spine and the little hairs behind my neck go up. I quickly start murmuring, "Disappear… Disappear…" hoping i would work. When I felt like it wasn't going to work and give up i felt the person with the strong hands lets go. While getting a better look, I realised there were two boys both looking about my age. One of them has black hair with a fringe just stopping at the top of his eyes while the other one has golden hair. Slowly I start walking backwards, still looking at their expression of anger i still whispered "Disappear…. Disappear", for it to last longer, feeling past over me I felt someone grabbing both my hands, tying them with what seems like handcuffs. Before I can get a better look who it is, a potato sack was put on my head making me turn visible.

Now seriously, who puts a potato sack on your head? What is wrong with these people? Another four hands take me by the hands and feet. Dragging me into what is most likely a black scary van because that’s what happens in the movies. Wait, why am I talking about movies? What is going in my head? I’m suddenly dumped onto a seat, hitting my head on something hard. I silently cursed. The whole trip to where ever they were taking me was is in utter silence. I felt the engine creek to a stop, my hands are held tight while they take my handcuffs off. I start getting pushed through what seem twisted corridors before we come to a halt.

A creaky door opens. Oh no; was this their cellar? What the hell were they going to do to me? Why in the world was I questioning myself? The potato sack was taken off my head and I was pushed forward before thed slammed the door behind me. How nice I thought, leave me in an office. Taking a look at my surroundings the walls have just been painted a chocolate brown. With pictures taking most space, with simple paintings inside them one of them was fire and there was also water, wind and earth. How weird? The desk was a dark chocolate colour with two red seats on one side and a big black seat.

To busy taking in my surroudings, I dindt hear a chair until it made a squeaky noise. Sitting on the black chair was a man, he had mostly brown hair, but with grey hairs showing themselves with blue sparkling eyes. The man looked at me his eyes narrowing. We glanced at each other  for a long five minutes until he clicks his hand, I wasn’t going to fall for that trick. Two of the boys strided in and the man takes his gaze at me one more time before turning his head left and right.

“No” he says.

What’s that supposed to mean? I thought.

The boys firmly grab me before taking me out. Oh god think of something Tess what does a boy always fall for? Ummmmmm...

“Spider” I scream. Oh just great. Who was ever gonna fall for that?

The boys let go before looking around.Yes it worked i mumbled. This is my time! I quickly pushed them to the ground before running out. I made myself through the windy corridors before stopping.

Which way?

I ran to the left. I look up at a sign that says entrance door pointing to the left a glimmer of hope went through my eyes.

Finally just turn left and freedom.

Taking a left I hit myself on something hard before falling down only metres away from freedom.

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