Chapter 5: The Prophecy

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Finally uploaded everyone! Hope you enjoy :D


A surge of panic rose up my body, my head spinning, wanting answers .Why did they want Allie and I? Did Allie have powers? Was anyone else working for them?

I was nearly out of the boy’s dorm when I spotted Blue-Eyed Benjamin. Yes, Blue-Eyed Benjamin. He got his name from his eyes. They were brightest blue you could ever possibly see and were almost identical to that of the colour of the sky on a warm, spring day. But this time I saw him, something was wrong. They weren’t blue eyes I saw, they were black.  I pushed that aside, surely it was the weather or perhaps the lighting in the hallway. I remembered my purpose and ran down the hall, glancing meekly at Benjamin and his not-so blue eyes.

“Allie!” I screamed I ran into to our room. Scanning my eyes around the room, I saw Allie in an awkward position while reading a book.

“Allie what are you doing?” I asked frantically.

This is not time for games! Doesn’t she know what’s going on?

“Duh! Reading a book!” She said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

It was then I realised the book had been turned the other way.

“Upside down?” I smiled, forgetting my purpose completely.

“Uh yeah this magazine said it was… ugh.. A great way to improve your skills of reading?”

“Oh, I see, reading a book upside down in an awkward position really helps.” I replied, sarcastically.

“Yeppp!” she replied.

“Now really Allie, what were you doing? No one reads a book upside down. And also explain this to me,”  I said, taking the paper from my chemistry book.

I tapped my foot impatiently as she silently read the paper.

What she said next, surprised me a lot.

“Why the hell is your name on this?”

“Ughh..” I let out, contemplating whether to tell this girl I only met a few days ago, the biggest secret of my life. Obviously, she must have powers too, how else would her name get on the paper? I sighed again, receiving a ‘what-the-hell-are-you-doing?’ glare from Allie.

“Maybe because I have powers,” I said, quietly.

“Cool, what powers do you have?” She replied.

Did she just say that? Was this no big deal to her? Who was she? I mean, I’m fairly sure that the note meant we were about to be murdered but, go ahead, pretend it’s nothing.

“Umm, well, I can turn up in flames, go invisible and mind re-“ I turned to see her pull out a frozen lamp.

“Awesome” she said, dusting off her hands.

“Freezing, pretty impressive,” I nodded. “I see you like taking out your wrath on lamps?” I said, a smile gathering on my lips.

“It was one time,” she said a mix of regret and anger in her voice.

“Back to business. Why would our names be on this piece of paper?” I said snatching the crumbled letter from her hands.

“Where did you find this?” she said, a worry in her voice that I had never heard before. Sure, I’d only known Allie for a few days but this was unimaginable. The concern in her eyes made me wonder how well I really do know happy-go-lucky Allie.

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