Chapter 3

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I've barely said a word to mom since our little 'fight'... It wasn't even a fight, it was us both being emotional unstable while trying to have a normal conversation - witch me and my mom can't.. It always ends like that. With me hiding inside my room crying while mom does whatever she's doing outside my closed door.

However, I'm in school right now. Or my daily prison, as I like to call it. I hate school, even though I'm doing what I love.. I love studying music, but I hate studying music HERE. The school is old, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was built during like world war 1.. If not earlier..

"Ms. Parker! Would you mind paying some attention towards the class please" sighs my teacher. I look up, and stares forward in stead.

"I am.." I mumble. She sighs once again before turning around to keep writing stuff on the whiteboard. I start to doodle at the paper in front of me again. It's actually starting to look like the flower I'm trying to draw! I'm in biology class, witch I hate. I really don't get it why I'm studying biology even though I'm studying a music line. I mean, when do I need biology during a music career?.. Never. But that's my opinion to everything in school except music. Maybe that's why my grades are so bad.. I've never got something higher than an C since the accident. Before that I got almost straight A's, I was a quiet nerd who always spent my free time doing homework and studying. Now, I'm more of the 'rebel type'. Or at least, that's what I've heard. I look up again. Now there's even more complicated stuff on the board witch I don't know what it means.. The teacher, also called ms. Anderson, is loudly talking about one of the many things on the board. I only pretend to listen, to be honest. Instead I study ms. Anderson. I've heard that she says that she's only 32, but that can't be true. Her long, brown is clearly not her real colour, and she's wearing more make up than a 14 year old girl to hide all the crinkles in her face. But she's cute though. Long and slim, well dressed and with a friendly smile. I like her, she's one of my favourite teachers, even though she's a biology teacher. A loud clock is suddenly telling the class that it's time for break. I take my things in my arms before I hurry out from the warm classroom. I'm hurrying towards my locker. While I'm searching for the key, my eyes are staring at the clock. 4.17 pm. I find my key and hurry up to open my locker. It's Friday, witch means that Ashton arrives today. The flight is arriving around 7.55 pm, so I have enough of time to get home, eat something quick before Landon picks me up. He and Taylor are coming with me to the airport. I'm quite glad they will though, because I would be way to nervous and probably start crying. I mean, last time I saw Ashton he was a funny, immature 16 year old who used to stay up all night talking boys with me and Megan.. I have barely spoke with him since the accident.. With a deep sigh I reach for my bag and my jacket, before I close the locker. I start walking towards me and my mother's small apartment. Mom.. It's almost been a week and the only words we said to each other is literally "good morning", "bye" and "goodnight".. It doesn't matter tough, because I'm not very interested in talking to her either... I look at my phone. 4:32 pm. I just can't help but smile, I'm seeing Ashton today!

I wasn't expecting her to be home.. I thought she would be at work... But no, my mom was surprisingly home, and now she's cooking me dinner. Or well, cooking and cooking, she's making egg and bacon with a toast. I've placed myself on my usual chair by the table, hole mom is cooking.

"So.. When does Ash arrive?" Mom carefully asks me.

"The plane should arrive around 7:55 pm" I answer her.

"Are Landon picking you up or do you want me to drive you?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow.

"I would rather walk to Heathrow than letting you drive me there!" I mutter. Heathrow is 30 minutes away from here, while driving.. But everything is better than sitting in a car together with my mother.

"Destiny.." She starts. "Can you please try being polite? I was just asking, and you know what? Your words actually hurts me.." Says mom to my surprise. I wasn't expecting an reaction from her side to be honest..

"Actually I can't being more polite than this. At least not to you" I spit. She turns around with a deep sigh, placing a plate with bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Well I'm your mother and this is MY house, and MY rules so you either skip that attitude or you can walk out of the door right there!" She spits back towards me, pointing towards the door. She sits down in front of me. It's quiet while I'm eating, mom is reading the newspaper while I'm staring at my food.

"What can I do to possible make you stop disliking me like this, Des?" She suddenly wonders. I look up at her. Straight into her big eyes.

"You can bring me back Megan" I say before standing up, grabbing all my stuff and with long steps walking towards the door. I blink as hard as I can as I throw myself into the elevator. I don't want to cry. No.. I know that what I said was harsh, and that I probably hurt mom more than I should have, but she just really pisses me off.. I sigh once again before stepping out from the elevator. To my surprise, I can see Landon's car outside the building. I look at my phone, oh.. She's already 6:45 pm. I hurry outside and places myself in the backseat of Landon's fancy car.

"Hello my friends" I say, with an surprising happy voice. It must be as Tay says, I always gets happy because of Ashton.

"Hi, how was your day?" Smiles Taylor. I actually join their conversation today, and we talk about my song for the past five minutes, before I get bored as usual, and stares out of the window instead. My two friends keeps talking while we're driving, and all of sudden we're there. I'm nervous, don't ask me why, but I'm really nervous.. I reach out for Tay's hand as we walk inside Heathrow. It's around half an hour until the flight is arriving, and we're sitting down at a cafe just beside where the gate is.

"So tell me about him! Ashton" begs Taylor as she leans towards me.

"Uhm.. What do you want me to tell? What he looks like?" I ask while looking at my exited friend.

"Yeah! And how he's like as a person" she adds. I slowly nod.

"Okay.. Well uhm. He's quite tall, with a Australian accent. He got bright eyes and like sand blonde hair, you know? Sometimes it's curly, sometimes not.. Uhm? He laughs and smiles, a lot! Ashton is this kind of person who's always happy! He got dimples, a really deep one right here!" I point at my cheek where his deepest dimple is placed, "He can sing, and play the drummers! Apparently he's this bands drummer"

"Wait, so he's in a band?" Asks Taylor. Both me and Landon bursts into laughter.

"Are you serious? That's what she's been telling us all the time, Tay!" Landon laughs. Taylor mutters something, while me and Landon keeps teasing her. Soon is Taylor pointing at my shoulder.

"Look! I think the flight is here" she whispers. I turn around. People are coming out from the gate where Ashton is supposed to come out from. I swallow. I'm gonna meet Ashton.


A/N ~

It's not that very long but yeah.. She's 11:10 pm on a school night and I'm exhausted.. Sorryyyyyy, but at least there's a chapter, right? ;)

Votes and comments appreciates!

Thank you so so so so so so much for reading! It means a lot!

Love you all xx

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