Chapter 42

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"What about this one then?" Dad holds up a tee with a smile. I shake my head.

I'm out shopping with my dad, just like I promised him. I mean, what don't you do to get him to pay for your education? It's just a day.

A day I could have spent with Taylor or Ashton and his friends.... Luke included. I can't help but smile. Luke's my boyfriend. Officially now. He called me his girlfriend last night. We've spent lots of time together the past two weeks, both with the boys and without them. I course, he haven't really been my boyfriend around them. I haven't been able to be as close to him as I might have wanted.. Taylor's the only one who knows about us, and she have promised not to tell anyone.

It feels weird talking about me and Luke as a... Uhm, couple. But yet so right. I've been different. So says Taylor, and my mom have noticed it too. Luke makes me a better person. I can't help it.

"What kind of clothes do you want then?" Dad sighs as he arrives at my side.

"Not pink girly ones" I mutter as I reach out for some jeans. "These ones"

Dad mumbles something as he takes them in his hands.

"It's perfect" I mumble as I stroke my fingers over the guitar.

"You think?" Dad sounds excited.

"Yeah" I look up at him. "But you can't buy it for me"

He blinks. "Why not?"

"You can't buy me, dad"

"Destiny... It's not like that"

"Yes it is. You're paying for me to go back to my old school, you're getting me lots of new stuff and now this?" I wave with my arms as I speak.

"You're my daughter, Des. I just want to get to know you again"

"By buying me stuff?"

Dad sighs. "So you don't want it?"

I look at the guitar while biting my bottom lip. Of course I want it. I need it too. My old guitar suck...

"I'll get it for you" dad takes it in his hands before walking to pay for it. I look after him. He's not trying to get to know me. He's trying to buy my love back. But he's not getting it that easy! He can buy me how many guitars as he want, I'm still not becoming his 'little princess' again...

I love the guitar. I really do... Ugh.

Dad's in the kitchen with mom, having a small chat. I'm in my room with the new guitar in my arms. I'm quietly trying to play on the song I'm writing. I still need to finish it if I want my grades from that class, even though I'm transferring. I don't want to write a stupid love song. I think I've already mentioned that I don't believe in love? Well, I've sort of realised that you can like a person. I really do like Luke, but I really don't think I ever could fall in love with him. Even if we make this relationship work when he's gone - witch we probably won't -, I couldn't be able to spend the time I believe you need to have to be able to fall in love. Anyways, I'm thinking of changing the song again. To something other than love. Because as I said, love is just a feeling. It always fades away. Just look at my parents! They used to e what they called 'madly and deeply in love', but then they got a divorce and everything was gone. So this love thingy doesn't really work. Nope. People get married because they're think they're 'soooo in love'. They get a house, they get kids, a car and lots of other nice stuff. But one day, one of them will leave. That's life.

I've tried to get it in my head that I can't get too attached to Luke. Because if I do, I probably won't be able to let him go when it's time. Witch is in around two months.

Two months... That's actually everything we have together. I bite my bottom lip. Time flies when you have a hoot time, and I'm always having a lovely time with Luke. He's gonna be gone soon, and I can't so anything about it...


A/N ~

Like this chapter is very boring... And short for that matter. but as I've said before, boring chapter are necessary sometimes. To keep it realistic you know?

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