My opinion on South Park sexualities

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Stan: Pansexual

I think that if Wendy has taught Stan anything it would be that gender shouldn't matter.

Kyle: Straight or Bi but for sure demisexual

I think he could be straight because he hasn't really shown an interest in boys but I think he might later fall for Cartman or Stan time will tell. But to be honest I see Kyman to be more likely to be canon because it's fucked up, Cartman has a weird obsession with Kyle, Kyle recently has shown Cartman more affection lately. But that's just my opinion and as much as I am bias I'm not hating on Style, K2, etc.

Cartman: Bi with a preference of boys

He's only shown interest in two girls so he's not gay but he prefers boys. He sucked Butters dick and watched him put on a condom. All kyman moments. He jacked off Ben Affleck. Cupid me likes dick and he made out with a Justin Timberlake cutout.

Kenny: Pansexual

He doesn't really care who you are as long as you're a cool person. He typically goes for girls (Tammy and Kelly) and he showed Butters affection. And I want to get this off my chest Kenny is not a slut he is a pervert there is a difference in a fact innocent Kyle has had more flings than Kenny.

Butters: Pansexual Demisexual

He doesn't care as long as it's for love.

Craig: Bi

In Tweek x Craig he denies being gay but I'm sure if him and Tweek keep fake dating they will get a bond that becomes romantic

Tweek: Gay

He hasn't shown any interest in anyone but he stopped tweaking out when him and Craig got together so I think that says something.

Clyde: Bi with a preference of girls

I think he's into girls like a lot but if he has a strong enough connection with a boy he would date him.

Token: Straight

He hasn't shown any interest in any males but has dated Wendy and Nicole  (I love Nicole, she's adorable)

Jimmy: Straight

He hasn't really shown any interest in boys but has had a girlfriend soooo.

Timmy: undecided

Wendy: Pansexual

It's Wendy

Bebe: Straight with a boner for Wendy

Bebe is straight but would go gay for Wendy

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