Sequal/ A/N

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Okay so this will be Jessica's Pov and I guess the start of the sequel Zoo Trip so yeah go read that

Jessica's Pov
I wake up same time as usual and open my door to head to the bathroom when I see the sticky note on the outside of my door

We have a surprise for you and Sang

~From your brother and his friends

I go out and shower then head back to my room to get dressed and see and outfit laying on my bed for me it has everything except my bra and underwear. I put on my out fit and head to Kota's room to see if he's up yet. When I come up his doors open and he's laughing at Sang who's tangled  up in the sheets. I look at them with amusement in my eyes and say
"I don't think I want to know. Just help her before mom comes up and thinks your holding Sang hostage up here". I then go downstairs and head to the kitchen where the other boys and then
Gabriel enters and starts to do my hair into a fish tail.  After he goes back up to help Sang and then they come down together

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