Sans x Monster!Reader

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I've been meaning update, but my life is constantly throwing curveballs. I hope to update more frequently.
Here's a quick Sans x Reader since everyone is very fond of the punny skeleton.

   Ashes have been found outside of Snowdin. Enough for heavy suspicion that these deaths weren't accidents. At least seven monsters are reported dead, two being of the K9 guard unit. The rest of the K-9 unit,regardless of the grief they feel for their fallen comrades, have gone out bravely to look for whoever may be causing these vile acts.
   With more guards and soldiers on route to Snowdin, the citizens of said town were told to remain vigilant and look out for suspicious characters. Some stay indoors, too scared to leave their home, while others stay outside, knowing that their neighbors will aid them if attacked.
   Now, you weren't a monster who was scared enough to stay indoors. Though you were wary of the news, you weren't going to let that keep you from going about your day. If anything, you can take care of yourself and even possibly aid someone else if needed. Knowing that there are also guards searching outside Snowdin helps put some of the lingering fear away and who knows, by now they may have found whoever is killing innocent monsters.
   You clear your head of thoughts, trying to think more positively. It's sad thinking of the innocent lives taken, but you don't want to think of such horrible thoughts. Once everything is over and you know who and how many have passed on, you could grieve. It's best not to grieve just to grieve even more later.
   To help clear your mind, you decide to spend sometime at Grillby's. Usually talking to the monsters there lifts your soul and it defiantly helps you lighten up. It's almost therapeutic at times.
   You open the doors to Grillby's, the warm air chasing away the familiar cold of Snowdin that rest upon you. You smile slightly smelling the familiar smell of food and booze. You're spirits drop slightly when you see that many of Grillby's familiar patrons aren't even here. They must be at home, grieving and hiding. You can't blame them, this is some of the worst news to hit the Underground in quite awhile.
   You walk up to the bar, looking over at the empty table where the K-9 unit guards sit and converse. They are always so entertaining, Greater Dog always being so affectionate and wound up. You frown knowing that the table is now going to permanently have two less members. You push your thoughts aside, trying to relax.
"Y/N,"a soft voice greets.
"Hey Grillby,"you greet back, taking a seat,"How are you?"
He hesitates before answering,"I imagine you wouldn't believe me if I said I'm doing fine, in light of recent events."
You frown slightly,"Yeah, I've been trying not to let it get to me, but how can I when they're is someone out there killing innocent monsters."
   Grillby only nods in agreement. He pulls a glass out from under the counter and grabs a bottle from the shelf. He pours a drink and places it in front of you. You look to him and you swear you can almost see a faint smile behind the burning flames.
"It's on the house, maybe it will help you relax."
You look up at Grillby, smiling wide,"Thanks Grills."
   You take a drink, even though you just want to down the entire thing. You want to relax and savor the flavor and feel the warmth in your belly. Grillby has left to check on someone else at the bar, leaving you by yourself, but only for awhile.
   Before you can even begin to feel lonely, a familiar customer of Grillby's sits down at the stool next to you. You feel an arm wrap around your waist and you quickly react back by putting an arm over their shoulder. A small chuckle leaves their mouth.
"You're looking bonely,"Sans says, pulling you close to his side.
"You know you don't always have to start conversations with puns, right,"you shoot him a smile.
"Heh, where's the fun in that,"Sans grins, removing his arm from around your waist,"besides, you look like you need a good joke."
You sigh, grabbing your drink with both hands,"I love how laid back you are, but don't you feel a little scared?"
"Why should I be,"Sans grin grows wider,"when there's a cute monster sitting next to me."
You roll your eyes,"That was really bad Sansy. That was nearly gag worthy. But seriously, how does this make you feel? I mean, innocent monsters are being killed."
   Sans expression slowly fades into a more serious, broken one. His bright smile turns into a sad one and your heart sinks. You quickly regret bringing up the subject and put a hand on his shoulder.
"(Y/N), do you ever feel like somethings you do are familiar? Like you've done them over and over?"Sans asks.
"What do you mean?"You ask.
"I mean exactly that. Do you feel like you're in some sort of awful time loop? Doesn't it feel like we've had this conversation before?"Sans looks at you with almost pleading eyes.
"Please (Y/N), think hard. We've had this conversation before."
"Sans are you feeling alright?"you ask, becoming concerned. Nothing that he's saying makes sense.
   Sans sighs and pulls a piece of crumpled up paper in his hands. He smooths out the paper and hands it to you. You take it, realizing it's a headline from the newspaper in Snowdin. You're eyes grow wide as you read the headline, "King Asgore Slained."
"W-w-wait, h-how did the killer get to the king so quickly? H-how did this,"you swallow a dry lump in your throat, tears welling up in your eyes.
"(Y/N), come outside with me,"Sans says.
   You can hardly hear him. The King is dead. How will we ever escape now? What will we do without a leader? How many are dead? Thoughts pound in your head as Sans takes your hand and leads you outside.
   As soon as you're out of the building Sans turns to look to you. You're shaking, sobs caught in your throat. Why is this happening? Who would do this?
"(Y/N), please stop crying. The King isn't dead,"Sans cups your face in his hands.
"Wh-what? But t-the paper says-"
"Shh, please relax. Let me explain this to you,"he wipes your tears away with his thumb.
You only nod, your heart too heavy to form a real response.
"(Y/N), I know this is going to sound crazy, but this has happened before. What is happening right now, has happened in a previous timeline."
"What are y-you talking about?"
"(Y/N), think hard, if you focus hard enough, you'll remember this has happened before."
   You close your eyes and think. You think as hard as you can. You can't remember anything like this happening. Suddenly you feel a tug on your souls and something washes over you.
"I've seen this news article before,"you say softly, looking down at the said paper.
Sans smiles widely,"There ya go, buddy. I know this is hard, but we've done this countless times."
"This?"you question.
"Yes. Why everything is so familiar is because we are on a timeline that is resetting. Time and space are constantly jumping back and forth and we have to suffer it. Every time everything resets, we forget what happens and everything replays again, that's why everything feels sort of familiar."
"Sans, this is absolutely insane. This isn't-"
"A joke? I know you were going to say that. We've done this before,"Sans gives you a worried smile.
"Sans, how do you know this?"
"I can sense the imbalance of time and space and how it is manipulated. Everyday I live the same day and I tell you every time what is happening,"Sans explains.
"I...I believe you Sans, but isn't it awful to have to explain it to me every time we restart or whatever?"
"No, not at all. (Y/N), I've tried to explain this to other monsters before, but you were the first one to ever believe in me. It made me so happy to have someone believe me and you went beyond that. You even helped me in multiple timelines. Sometimes, if it wasn't for you, I don't think I could handle it all. I know you don't remember what has happened, but you mean so much to me, (Y/N). Enough to me that I have no problem explaining this to you over and over."
"Sans...I'm sorry you have to-"
"No, don't you ever apologize,"Sans cuts you off.
   He grabs your hands in his and holds them tight. His smile grows wide and his eyes hold a familiar happiness in them. It makes you feel warm.
"(Y/N), you're more than just a friend to me. You're someone I can trust and rely on. Someone I know who wants to help me and my brother and my friends. In many previous timelines you've protected so many monsters. I've never meet anyone like you."
You rest your forehead against his and smile slightly,"Are you just saying that?"
He smiles back,"No, never."
"So, do you know why the resets happen?"
   Sans smile fades slightly, but then it comes back. He pulls away from you and holds out his hand to you. You take it and he laces his fingers in yours. You do the same and a slight blue blush stains his cheeks.
"I still blush every time,"Sans chuckles,"let's go to sentry post and talk."
   You smile in agreement. Hand in hand, you two walk towards Waterfall, as Sans explains timelines. He never gets tired of explaining this to you. Your reactions are different every time and how interested and amazed you become is simply adorable to him. In the back of his head, all he can think about is how this timeline is going to end up with you and him. You've yet to refuse him when he confesses his feelings.

Short and sweet and moves really fast. I wanted more time to work on this, but time had other plans for me. I may come back and rewrite and expand this story. It also wasn't super lovey dovey or fluffy so expect some more Sans x Reader with more sickly diabetes inducing fluff, if I can even write that cute. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. If you have a request I'll try and do my best at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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