Day 6 (Early)

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"Wake up and I miss you in the middle of the night"

I'm laying on the couch in the middle of the McDonough's living room, my head on Toby's legs which are spread out on the coffee table before him. We were supposed to go to the beach today, but it started raining out of nowhere so we were stuck inside, scrolling on our phones absentmindedly.

"I'm bored." I whine to Toby, who looks down at me and smiles a bit.

"Well we can't have that, can we?" He chuckles "How do I entertain princess Aurora?"

I sit up on the couch and turn to him "We can build a fort!" I say excitedly. 

"Really? We're 16, not 6." He asks unsure

"Please?" I stick out my bottom lips and he pokes it with his finger before jumping off the couch.

"Let's get started then." 


Me and Toby gathered all the blankets from the couch, hall closet and even his bed, plus pillows, and got to work building the fort on the couch. It ended up pretty big and I was so pleased with it. Looking down at me, Toby smiles and asks "What now?"

I said nothing as I ran down the hallway, grabbing my favorite board games, bringing them back and putting them in the fort, then back to the kitchen where I grabbed popcorn and put it in the microwave. Toby followed me this time, laughing lightly and scrounging for something in the cupboards. He finally emerged with a bag of M&M's, to which I beamed.

"Surprise popcorn?" I asked, and he nodded. I ran over to him and hugged him around his middle. which was growing taller than me by the day it seemed, but I didn't mind. He hugged me back.

We pulled away and mixed the candy with the popcorn, which was my favorite way to eat it. We took it back to the fort and settled in, playing loads of board games until it got dark out. The rain poured even harder, and I knew I wouldn't make it home.

"Toby? Aurora?" Joan called out, and we crawled out of the fort and towards her.

"Yes ma'am?" we asked in unison

"Dinner's ready. And Aurora, honey, the storm's gotten way too bad and I want you to be safe, so your mom suggested you spend the night." She told us, and I looked to Toby and back at her

"Can we sleep in the fort?" I asked, and she chuckled.

"Fine, but clean it up first thing tomorrow. Now, come on and eat."

After a nice dinner, Toby took me upstairs and gave me some sweatpants and a shirt to sleep in, and I went to the bathroom to change while he did the same in his room. We walked back to the fort together after everyone said goodnight to each other, and Joan turned off the lights downstairs while me and Toby set up some camping lights in our fort, climbing inside and settling onto the mounds of pillows and blankets.

We shared earbuds and watched some youtube for a bit before getting way to sleepy.

We said goodnight and tried to sleep. We started out on opposite sides of the fort, but the storm kept raging louder and louder and I grew cold and a little afraid.

"Tobes?" I softly called to him.

"Yeah Rory?" He relpied.

"Can you hold me?" 

He didn't respond, just rolled over to me, wrapping his blanket around me. I leaned into him, resting on his chest while his arms were around me. He started singing softly and lulled me to sleep.

Every time the storm woke me up, he was there and told me it was okay. When we woke up the nest morning, the sky was blue and we had the beach day we'd planned.

I'd never felt more safe.

I sit up in bed suddenly, the rain pounding outside, lightning flashing, illuminating my whole room.

My dream was my greatest memory with Toby, a reminder of how great he was and how much he cared for me. He's always there.

Except now

I pick up my phone from my night stand and look at it, seeing the missed calls and voice messages from Toby.

"Rory? Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't answer you, my phone died. I hope you're okay. Call me."

"Aurora, I hope since you're not answering, you're either fine or the opposite. Please call or text me so I know you're okay."

"Rory, I just want you to know I wasn't avoiding you. I'll always run back for you.  Always."

I smile softly, hearing his voice so full of concern and love.


Was it the same I had for him? Probably not. But it made my heart beat faster just the same.

I dial his number, knowing he probably wasn't awake.

"Hello?" a sleepy Toby asked

"Hey, sorry I fell asleep"

"Rory!" he exclaimed "I was worried. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, no, I fixed it. I'm better."

"Oh good." He breathes "SO why'd you call me now?"

I hesitate "It's storming."

I can hear his comforting smile as he says "It'll be okay, Rory. DO you need me to sing?"

"I wouldn't be opposed."

"When you're feeling low, I can take you higher. When the world gets cold, I will be your fire. I'll be there when you need a shoulder." his smooth, melodic voice sings softly to me, lulling me to almost sleep.

"We can win this war, I will be your soldier." He almost breathes the last part of the bridge and stops singing.

"Thank you Toby." I whisper "You're an angel."

"Any time, Aurora. You know that."



Just before he hangs up, I swear I hear a whisper "You're my angel."

And I fall back asleep.

When I'm Gone- Toby McDonoughWhere stories live. Discover now