Day 6 (Later)

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I woke up pretty late in the morning and the sky was still gray and cloudy, producing a near constant drizzle, the air thick with humidity, the ground wet. I sigh, knowing I'll be confined to the indoors today.

It's Saturday, which is Starbucks day. Well, almost every day is Starbucks day, but every Saturday at 11, me and Toby meet at the one down the road and hang out. Except when he's gone, like now.

Since I'm really craving Starbucks anyways, I get changed into some denim shorts, black tank and white lace crop top, throw on my black high top converse, grab my purse and umbrella and head out.

I get to the shop and walk inside. The usual people are there, along with a few new ones. When I reach the counter, my typical barista smiles at me and asks "No Toby?"

"He's on a writing trip to Cali. He'll be back in a month." I say 

25 days  my head reminds me

I order my usual and grab a table in the corner by the window, setting up my notebook and pens. I send Toby a picture of my drink with the caption "Starbucks date? ;)"

I start writing, occasionally looking out the window to admire the raindrops rolling off of everything. 

My phone buzzes on the table and I check to see a text back from Toby 

"Without me? You're cruel"

"Hey, you're the one who left me behind Mr. California."

"Next time you're coming with. It's so boring without you."

"Ditto, Tobes."

"Now I want Starbucks, meanie"

"So go get some"

"I'll have to wake Connor up to drive me."

"Maybe you should get your license when you get back :P"

"But why would I when my best friend will take me anywhere?"

"That's called taking advantage of your friend"

"Not if she wants to"

"Who says I want to?"

"You don't want to spend time with me?"

"I would if you could drive yourself"


"Aw, poor Toby, let me hug it better"

"Ew no, cooties."

We were both joking around and yet, that hurt. Well, not hurt, but it was more of a reality check. This is why I was doing what Riley said. All Toby sees me as is a friend, the girl he's seen the worst of. Maybe that's all he'll ever see...

"Rory?" a voice shook me from my thoughts, and I jumped slightly

"Oh! Ethan, right?" I ask the boy I vaguely recognize from the party yesterday.

He smiles "Yeah, fancy seeing you here."

"Oh I'm almost always here" I joke and we both laugh

"Can I sit?" he asks, gesturing to the seat across from me, and after hesitating, I nod.

"So what's a girl like you doing alone in a Starbucks on a saturday?" 

I duck my head a bit and smile shyly "Well normally, I'd be hanging out with Toby, but if you remember what I said yesterday, he's gone for now."

"Well that's no reason you can't have fun. What else are you doing today?" He smiles warmly

"Uh, actually nothing. I was just planning on being in my room all day, why?"

He stands up and I raise an eyebrow questioningly "No." he simply states.

I stand up too "No what?"

"You're not going to stay in your room, at least not all day." 

"Then what will I be doing?"

"Hanging out with me."

My eyes widen "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, if you want to..." his confidence slightly wavers.

"No," I splutter "I mean, yeah sure."

"Awesome. Listen, I have to go run a few errands but if you want, we can meet somewhere at like 2?" 

"Okay, sounds good."

"Great, well I'll text you where we can meet."

"Alright, see you."

He smiles, and I smile back as he walks out the door.

He's no Toby, not by a mile, but he might be something.

Today might not be so rainy after all.

When I'm Gone- Toby McDonoughWhere stories live. Discover now