The Road So Far

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I was raised as a Hunter since I was brought to my mother's family as an infant. They brought me up then released me into the world at age 13 with nothing but clothes, money that I had saved up, a car, and knowledge of all the supernatural monsters under people's beds.

Close to my fifteenth birthday, I met my father and uncle while working a case, but I wasn't with them for much longer than three weeks. My mother made a deal with the King of Hell for me to live, but only for fifteen years. Hellhounds were sent after me and dragged my ass to Hell.

Four years later, I escaped with my boyfriend and found my father and uncle again. I found out that I was the Messiah and closed Hell, saving every human soul and sending them to Heaven. Since then, my demon blood has come back into the picture, but not my angel blood.

I found out early on that I was pregnant. Five months into my pregnancy, Mathias, my boyfriend, proposed and we got married. When I went into labor, Matt had been the one to bring me to the hospital in Lebanon, Kansas. My father, Dean Winchester, and my uncle, Sam, were coming home from a case somewhere in Texas.

After I was wheeled into the labor unit, Sam and Dean arrived and immediately started looking for me. Dean was hysterical, so Sam did all the talking.

"Excuse me, ma'am. My niece went into labor not too long ago and we were wondering if we could find her room." Sam said, to the nurse at the desk.

"May I have her name?" she asked, typing on her computer.

"Jackline Winchester." Dean said, panting crazily.

The nurse told them room 58 in the labor unit. They ran to the door just as I was going in, but they were told only the father of the child could be in the room unless I said otherwise.

"Let them in." I said as Matt put on a medical suit, gloves, hat, and shoes covers so he could be the first one to hold our child. Sam and Dean ran to my sides and hold both of my hands. The contractions started to get really bad.

I looked terrible. I was sweating. My hair was all over the place. Oh, and was I in pain. A lot of pain. Far worse than any other pain I had ever felt before and I had been ripped to shreds by hellhounds. I was crying, tears rolling down my face.

"Jackline, you're going to have to push, sweetheart." My doctor said, looking under the sheet. I started to push periodically and clenching my hands tighter each time. My fingernails dug into Sam and Dean's hands so much that they started to bleed.

It was another hour maybe of pushing before they could see the baby's head. "One last, big push." My doctor said as she moved out the way for Matt to get in the position to catch the baby.

I gave one more push, one more squeeze on Sam and Dean's hands, one more muscle spasm and crying filled the room. I swung my head back against the pillow and panted heavily. I let go of my father and uncle's hands and looked at my husband.

"It's a girl." He said with a smile like no other. I grinned and closed my eyes, laying by head back as Matt and the nurses cleaned off the baby.

Sam shook his hand in order to relieve the pain, "You need to cut your finger nails, Jack."

"Really." Dean said, wiping blood from his palm. "I think I can see bone." I laughed a little as I saw Matt carrying my daughter over to me. She was wrapped in a white towel with her arms loose. I could tell that her hair was going to be blonde like mine was when I was young. Matt handed her to me and I held her to my chest.

"What are you going to name her?" Sam asked, putting a hand on Dean's shoulder. The baby had already opened her eyes and they were a bright blueish-green, like her mother, grandfather, and great-grandmother.

"Matt and I were talking about it earlier and since he had no family besides Cas and Chuck, we wanted to name her after my side." I said, her hand grabbing Matt's pointer finger.

"What do you think of Mary?" Matt said, looking at my father. Sam and Dean both looked like they were going to cry, but being the tough guys they are, wiped them away before I could see them.

"Mary, after my grandmother, for her first name and Beth, Jo's middle name, for her middle name." I said looking back at Dean. He looked more nervous than me and I had just given birth. "Come here." I told him. He come up to me and I laid Mary in his arms. "Support her neck."

Dean looked a little overwhelmed, "She's so tiny." Sam looked over his big brother's shoulder and peered at his great-niece.

"Little Mary Beth Winchester." He said. Matt put his arm over my shoulders and hugged me. He kissed me on the forehead and rested his on mine.

"We made a beautiful kid." He said. "Thank you."

"Yeah, we did." I replied, tracing my thumb across his forearm. Dean stood in front of me, Sam still looking over his shoulder.

"Thank you." Matt repeated. "You did an amazing job."

Castiel eventually showed up and held Mary for a little while until I had to feed her. I watched as the joy spread from face to face.

It's been six years since then. Matt and I are now 26. He's taken out enough of his grace so now he ages as I do. Dean is nearly 43 and Sam, 39.

Matt, Mary and I all live in the bunker with Sam and Dean. Matt and Mary are the behind-the-scenes people on cases. They help with research and lore while Sam, Dean, and I go work cases.

Life is great.

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