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I wake up to sunlight streaming into the bunker through bullet-proof windows. Matt is shirtless with the covers of the bed wrapped around his waist and boxers tightly and his back to me. I'm wearing nothing but a kami tank-top and underwear under the sheets.

I sat up and blocked the sunlight from my eyes then sank back down, my body facing Matt's back. I kissed his shoulder and rubbed up and down his muscular arm.

"Morning, babe." I whispered into his ear. He looked over his shoulder at me then laid his head back down.

"Is it morning already?" he asked, squinting at the window. I nodded and he pulled the covers over his head. "Five more minutes."

I shook my head, climbed on top of him, and pulled off the sheets, "Nope. Baby girl's gonna be up soon if she's not already." I put my hands on the mattress next to his head and sat on him.

He grinned up at me and pulled me down to kiss me. I took in a deep breath and smiled. I laid down on him and put my head on his chest. "I love you." I said, my voice muffled a little.

"I love you, too." He said, just as there was a knock on the door. I sighed and rolled off of him and back on to the mattress.

"Come in." I called. The door opened to reveal a tiny child with blue-green eyes, long, blonde curls, and a green night gown.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Mary cheered as she ran to our bed, hopped up, crawled over, and laid over my stomach.

"Hey there, beautiful." Matt said, tapping her on the nose. She smiled the same lop-sided smile as her dad.

I spun a lock of her hair on my finger, "Did you sleep well?"

We had decided that we weren't going to wait to tell Mary about hunting. I was raised into it and I turned out fine. Dean tried to convince me otherwise, but if I tried to keep her out, she might get hurt. If she would grow up out of the life, Matt and I would have to get out, too. And an ex-angel and ex-Messiah would be pretty high on people's lists.

"Mmm-hm. Unc Sam made breakfast. It's eggs and bacon." Mary said, grabbing Matt's arm and pulling him out of bed.

Matt and I put on some clothes. For me, a big t-shirt and Nike shorts, for Matt, a shirt and jeans. When we walked out to the kitchen, Sam was slaving over the stove and Dean was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. When Mary ran in, Dean was the first to spot her.

"Come here, Peanut." Dean said, putting down his coffee and picking my daughter up just as she jumped onto his lap. He looked at her green nightgown, "Why green? Why not pink?"

"Pink is ugly. Too girly." Mary said, hopping off Dean's leg and running to Sam.

Dean saw me and Matt standing in the door and pointed at our daughter, "I love that girl." I smiled and went to kiss my dad on the cheek. Mary stood next to Sam, her head up and her mouth open. Sam grabbed a piece of bacon and dropped it into her mouth. She waddled away chewing happily with the remainder of the strip of bacon hanging from her lips.

Matt and I sat down at the table and I took Dean's newspaper, "Caught signs of a case, I presume."

"No, actually." Sam cut in, placing a bowl of eggs and a plate of bacon on the table along with a couple plates. Matt grabbed plates and started to fill them, handing them around.

Matt took a big bite of egg, "Then why are you guys up so early?" I back-handed his shoulder for talking with his mouth full. I grabbed Dean's mug of coffee and took a long sip.

Dean took a sip of coffee, "You're going to Hawaii."

I nearly spit out my drink, "You serious?" Dean nodded and passed two plane tickets towards Matt and me.

"You guys never really had a honeymoon." Sam said, sitting down next to his brother. "How 'bout now?"

I scoffed, "Guys, thank you so much, but," I looked down at the ticket. "But we can't accept this. I mean, what about Mary?" She jumped into my lap and I ran my fingers through her hair.

Sam replied, "Dean and I will take care of her." I gave him a look. "What?"

"You guys aren't exactly the poster-children for safety. What if you guys have to leave for a case or something?" I panicked,

"We'll tell Garth to get another hunter on the case." Dean reassured, chomping on a piece of bacon.

"Come on, Jack. We haven't had a second alone since Mary was born." Matt said, looking at our bouncing baby girl. I never really wanted to leave her. She was so easy to handle, which means that they would have no problems.

"But what if—" I started, running out of objections.

"No buts." Dean said, tracing his fork around his food. "The trip's already paid for."

I sighed, "Using what money? I mean none of us have steady jobs." Mary sat on my knee and started to bounce up and down, looking up at me.

Sam said, "We have a buddy in the private jet business. We've helped him a couple times and we called in a favor." I looked down at Mary and frowned for a moment.

"You gonna take care of Sam and Dean?" I asked. She smiled, and nodded rapidly. "What about the bunker?" She nodded again. I looked at everyone, Matt giving me puppy-eyes.

"Did Sam teach you that?" I scoffed. Sam help up his hands and his eyes grew wide as if saying, "Really?"

I smiled, "Fine. Hawaii it is."

Third Generation {Third book in the "Born to Be a Hunter" Series}Where stories live. Discover now