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I hurriedly buttoned my blouse and threw my hair back, on my shoulders.

Giving one last glance to my own refection on the mirror that I was standing in front of, I smiled to myself.

White blouse. Black jeans. My hair let loose, dancing freely on my shoulders.

This was just the way I liked to be dressed. Simply and comfortably.

One glance at my wrist watch made me realise that time had flown much quicker than I had expected it to. It was already quarter to seven. Which meant that I had only fifteen minutes left if I wanted to be at Paul's house at seven sharp, as John had requested me to be.

I ran to reach the stairs that led from my room to downstairs.

As I hurtled down the stairs, I heard two voices coming from the living-room. Obviously, the first voice belonged to my father.

I instantly recognized the second voice as belonging to Krishna Kumar Uncle.

When I reached downstairs, I headed straight to the living-room in order to greet Krishna Kumar Uncle.

When I made my way to the living-room, Krishna Kumar Uncle and my father were sitted at the dining table, already engaged in a seemingly deep conversation.

A piece of paper was lying on the table, placed just before my father and Krishna Kumar Uncle.

My father pointed to the piece of paper, attracting Krishna Kumar Uncle's attention onto it.

« So these are the measurements which I believe will be suitable for the glasses that we'll give to Miss Harvey next week », I heard my father say.

« See, I noted them all on this technical sketch I drew. In regards with Miss Harvey's prescription, that you and I just reviewed, the size of her frame will be 51-16-135... »

I stood quietly a couple of centimetres away from the dining table, unwilling to disrupt their conversation, waiting for it to be over before I could greet Krishna Kumar Uncle – even though it felt strange to me have to greet him for the second time in less than one hour time span.

Neither my father nor Krishna Kumar Uncle had noticed my presence, completely absorbed in their work.

« I see... », Krishna Kumar Uncle simply said, in thoughts, while he took the technical drawing in his hands, carefully examining it. « This seems all good to me...Nice work, Fernando », Krishna Kumar Uncle tapped on my father's shoulder, while he gave him a warm smile.

That's the moment he noticed that I was standing just a small distance from where my father was sitted.

« Hello, Divya ». His face lightened with a broad smile.

« Hello Uncle ». I gave Krishna Kumar Uncle a warm smile back.

I was actually going to say « Hello again » but for some reason, I swallowed my words before I could let them out. Maybe, Krishna Kumar Uncle would mention our earlier meeting of the day by himself...

« Divya ? » My father turned his gaze to me, finally noticing me.

« Sorry, darling, I didn't even know you were here ».

In silence, I grazed his shoulder with my hand as I gave him a soft smile.

« Are you going out, Princess ? »

The slight frown which had suddenly made its way to my father's face didn't escape my attention. I knew that the way I was dressed had instantly given him an unmistakable indication about the fact that I was about to go out – yet again, after coming back home from Little Jessie's Birthday bash.

If the Sun Has Faded Away...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin