Banana Smoothie with a tinsy-bitsy pinch of Salt (Health/Life)

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Okay, so I've this put in Health and Life category. I would've put in Food up there but I think Food falls under Health, nutrition and all that, you know. I'm not even sure what I'm going to share to you is healthy or safe, but I tried it and so far, I'm alive and kicking.

So what am I going to share to you anyway? The title actually says it in one go. It's Banana Smoothie with a teeny-bitsy pinch of salt. (There's actually a back story for this but I decided not to include that rant in here.)

What is the purpose of this slight derivation from banana shake, you ask? You know that banana is a good source of potassium right? And that our unsuspecting table salt is the best source for sodium and chloride, right? Make sure you use iodized salt and there you have a delicious and economical drink with four minerals. There's actually calcium in milk too if you think about it.

So try this out as a substitute for your usual energy drink if you ran out of stock and wasn't on the mood to buy. The ingredients are available at home so just have to put it all in the blender and voila. Just make sure you don't add too much salt in, that'd be too much—salty. You can also make this even when you're not working out, I mean there's no need for an excuse to drink delicious smoothie, right? It's good for hot weathers, too.

I'm not even going to claim credit of this because I'm pretty sure someone somewhere in the globe had thought of this, too. Here's to healthy living and remember to keep your fluid and electrolytes balanced.

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