Chapter 2

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Rory's POV

"¿Cómo se dice pass the plate?" Coach Obregon asked a freshman in front of me. I tried to pay attention to his answer, but the constant buzzing in my jeans pockets kept distracting me. 

It's been like this the entire morning. I'll be trying to pay attention in my classes and those girls in the stupid girls in that stupid group chat won't shut up!

"Ro, ¿cómo se dice pass the plate?" Coach asked me.

"Pasar la placa." I answered.

"Muy bueno." he smiled. He walked back to his desk, basically signaling that we could get our phones out. 

I pulled my phone out and rolled my eyes at how many messages I had. Shouldn't they be in school as well?

Dinah: Wazzup bitches? 😎

Ally: Not this again

Normani: What's good?

Ally: *facepalm*

Camila: Hi guys

Lauren: Hi Camz!

Camila: Where's Ro at?

Lauren: If he doesn't show up, I'm not going to complain. 😊

Camila: What did he do to you?

Normani: Yeah, what did McDreamy do to you?

Dinah: Mani, best not try to ruin my ship unless you want to get throat punched! 😠😠

Rory: Hey guys...and Ralph 😉

Camila: Rory! Hi!

Ally: About time you showed up. 

Rory: Sorry, I'm in class. I have to get my D up or my grandma will kill me

Dinah: What's the subject?

Lauren: Don't you mean mom?

Rory: Spanish

Camila: I'm Cuban!That's my first language! I can help you!

Lauren: Hey, so am I. But I don't want to help you

Normani: Why do you hate him?

Rory: I would like to know too

Lauren: You call me Ralph

Rory: I thought it was funny, but if you don't like it, then I'll stop

Lauren: Thank you. 

Dinah: Hoe don't do it

Rory: What?

Lauren: ^^

"Rory!" my younger brother Liam snapped me out of my trance. I looked up and saw him with his backpack over his shoulder. 


"Are you coming to lunch or not?" he asked. I nodded and slipped my phone back in my pocket. I grabbed my bag and followed him out. 

"What had you into your phone that much?" Liam asked as we walked out of the main building and towards the cafeteria. 

"Just a thing I was reading on Tumblr." I lied. He shrugged and held the door open for me. I thanked him and went inside. 

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