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justino never knew why timara, the most popular (and prettiest) girl in school, hated him.

whenever they would pass eachother in the halls or at lunch, timara always have him dirty looks or glared at him. She even gave him the nickname nutrigrian, for no reason.

in one special occasion, xiomara, timaras best buddy, came and offered him a nutrigrian, because it's the second best breakfast, after toast of course.

"hey, want it?" xiomara asked, looking at justino. "Uh, yeah, sure."

right as he was about to take it, timara walked over and slammed it on the ground a stomped on it. Xiomara visibly gasped and yelled "MY GRAIN".

"this is what i think about you" she said still stomping. Then she ran off, xiomara quickly followed, still ranting about her grain.

"Bro, that was harsh" said bucko, justinos best friend. "yeah, i know" he replied.

As soon as lunch was over, justino walked to his next class, but he was dragged inside a closet.

"bro wtf" he looked and saw timara looking straight at him.

"o-oh, uh, h-hi?" he stuttered.

"shut up, i really like you, and i really wanna date you?" she said, coming off as a question.

"boi what" justino said until he realized what was happening. "oh crap! yes of course!"

they laughed it off and left the closet,
coming face to face with a angry bucko and a surprised xiomara

"boi what the fuck"

justinoxlizzy (justino and timara oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now