Fucked off to death

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Jake: what the fuck u can't send me to this shit they will fuckin kill me dad.
Dad: no arguments or I will bitch slap the fuck out of u.
Jake: u can't do this old man
Dad: I'm 127 mother fucker do I look old to u bitch now get the fuck out of here. Now get me my prunes Stacy.
Stacy: yes your supreme over lord ship of old wisdom.

I left and got into a bus to the school wait wtf am I saying its not a bus its some naked guy in a fuckin jalopy. I got off the bus and saw this old fuckin shak with fuckin shit on the wall used to make graffiti.
Jake: wtf is this
Busman: home sweet home
Jake: u can't fuckin keep me here this place is a fuckin biohazard wait is that a dead guy over there.
Busman: yeah he must have said hi to a student or something
Jake:😯 hell no I'm getting the fuck outta here.
The boss driver immediately sped off.
Jake: u pussy!

I walked into the shack and saw stairs leading down I followed them and saw entire underground school filled with people.
Jake: holy fuck
I walked and this hulk looking mother fucker stopped me.
Jake:, woah u must-
He cut me off
Guy: shut the fuck up bitch I am here to give u a tour of the school.

We walked and talked well he talked.
Guy: the classes bitch the shooting class the coke class the weed class the cafeteria now the gay section.
Gay: hey fresh meat drop the soap please.
Jake: fuck u ass hole
Gay: oh I will
Jake: the fuck I'm gonna kill that mother fucker
Guy: the killer section the weed section and the fucked up section and the dead section.
Jake: what killed them
Guy: my balls now shut up
This is your class pimp class now get the fuck outta here.


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