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*Ash's POV*

I stormed down the halls with my hands clinched into fist. I was trying hard not to cry but tears spilled

down my cheeks. I hated how weak Stephen's rejection made me but he was my mate after all. The

bell had already rung for the afternoon classes but I couldn't give shit. I was hurt and the only thing I

wanted to do was get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

"Why did he have to be my fucking mate of all people he had to be an ass hole." I growled to myself

with my head hung down. I walked as fast as I could to the exit when I hit a hard wall of flesh.

"Sorry about that runt." A cocky voice laughed. I looked up into dark blue eyes and the guy smirking.

"I'm not a runt!" I snarled at him crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're a little feisty aren't you? The names Lane what's yours kid?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"Well you see I'm in your Algebra 2 class and I've wanted to talk to you all day because when you're

thinking you make the sexiest face." Lane chuckled. My face flamed as I tried to walk around the guy so

I could leave but he snatched my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I growled wiggling in his grasp but he only tightened his grip around

my wrist.

"If you're smart enough to be in a junior class you should know what I want................I want to get to

know you better." I looked at him blankly as his smirk became an innocent smile. Can we say bipolar


"Okay if you just wanted to get to know me then why didn't you just say so and not make a

big deal of things." I snarled as he let go of me.

"That way I can keep you on your toes runt, anyway come on I'm not going back to class

there for you aren't either." Lane laughed as grabbed hold of me again and pulled me to the parking lot

to his beat up old truck. He let go of my arm and opened to passenger door waiting for me to get in.

"Come on get in, I don't have all day love."

"Fine, but no funny business, understand?" I growled as I climbed into the truck, slamming

the door behind me. The down side is the window was down so Lane leaned in with the same smirk

from earlier.

"I wouldn't dream of it Ash." He snickered as he rounded the truck and got in the driver's

seat. He turned on the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked while I stared out the opened window.

"Well I thought with you being new and all you'd like someone to show you around this

small town." He snickered. I rolled my eyes and sighed wishing we had never moved to this stupid

little town. Never had I thought my own mate would reject me but bloody hell here we are and he did.

"Hey runt, what's got you all moody? This is a beautiful place to live." I turned toward Lane

and just glared at him.

"I'm not a runt." I snapped as he pulled his truck into place that looked like an old abandon

park young children used to come to. Lane parked and then slipped easily out of the truck, motioning

me to follow him. I groaned I quickly got out of the truck and followed him.

He led us toward a tree and slide down sitting on the ground. He patted the side next to

him but I refused so he grabbed my wrist again and pulled me down onto his lap. I blushed madly and

looked away from him causing him to chuckle.

*Lane's POV*

I chuckled as Ash looked away from me as his face reddened from embarrassment. I

placed my hand on the side of his cheek and forced him to look at me. Ash turned his head but didn't

meet my gaze as I stared at him.

"I would love it if you looked at me Ash." I growled which caused him to look into my eyes.

"How do you know my name? I never told you."

"Everyone knows your name; you're the new kid joining the pack."

"I guess that's fair." I grumbled. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his waist

which of course he tried wiggling free but it wouldn't be that easy. I tightened my grip making him yelp

and stop form moving. Okay you see I wanted Ash as my own, ya I know we just meet but I think he

might be the one but I could be wrong I have been before but that's not the point.

"Um Lane is it possible for you to loosen your grip? I promise I won't run away or nothin'."

He begged and so I did as he asked but still wrapped my arms around him.

"Are you and your mother going to the welcome party tonight Ash?"

"I don't know, I really don't want to go but I bet my mom will drag me there anyway."

"Well you should go because I'll be there and I'm pretty sure the girl you were hanging

around at lunch will be there as well."

"Speaking of the welcome party I need to get home so I can help my mother with a gift

she's making for it."

"Come on I'll drive you home." I said pushing him off of me and pulling him by his hand

back to my truck. He tried to pull his hand away so I let it go to his surprise and just smiled at him.

Okay I have to admit I was a little bit Bi-polar but that's nothing new. We jumped into my truck as he

gave me his address and was on our way to his house.


Here you go guys Once again i need atleast 5 comments or 5 votes for the next chapter to go up

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