Confession Maybe?

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Ash’s POV

             After a little while Stephen and I went into his living room and curled up on the couch together, watching a move but neither of us were really watching it. Stephen’s hands were curled into my hair while my head was laying on his chest stiffly. I still wasn’t sure I could trust him completely yet but I my wolf howled every time I tried to move.

            “Ash, please relax. I swear I am not or am I ever going to hurt you again. I promise.” Stephen said, wrapping his arms around my waist softly. I sighed and looked up at him, flashing a smile before kissing his cheek.

            “I should probably go home, Lane and mom are probably worried by now.” I said looking up at the clock on the wall.

            “You can’t leave yet, the movies not even close to being over and why should you worry about Lane?”

            “What do you mean why should I worry about Lane at the moment I am still mated with him Stephen or have you forgotten that part.” Stephen glared at me for a second but then relaxed some what. He stood up from the couch and grabbed my hand leading my to the door way. He stopped for a moment and turned to me, pulling me close to him.

            “You are no longer with him Ash, you need to tell him that when you see him. He’s going to hurt and might even hate you for a little while but like I said in the bedroom. I will help find his real mate.” I looked up at Stephen and smiled softly. I had never seen so much compassion in some ones eyes. At that moment I knew I could believe what he said at least I hoped.

   Lane’s POV

I paced back and forth in Ash’s living room in front of his mom who was sitting on the couch. I was pissed maybe even beyond pissed. Stephen stole Ash from me and now they have been gone for almost 5 hours. I was going to murder Stephen when I saw him next.

            “Lane, sweet heart I am sure he will be back soon unharmed. He is with next alpha in line after all.” Ash’s mother said. I looked at her and sighed, sitting down next to her frustrated.

            “I’m sorry I know Stephen wouldn’t harm Ash but I cant help but worry about him. I’m sure you understand.” She smiled and patted my back sweetly before getting up to look out the window.

            “Well speak of the devil there they are. I’ll go get us all something to drink.” She scurried off into the kitchen. I stood up and took a deep breath, bracing my self for whatever must happen.


Hey guys i know it's been like forever from the last post but i've been under the weather and not really feeling up to type until now. I dont know if you'll like this chapter but please comment and vote and Give me some ideas what Lane's mate will look like, act like, should it be a vampire or werewolf message me your ideas!!

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