MithRoss #2 'Releasing You'

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This is a request from Sorceress_Apprentice Don't cause drama in the comments or anything about whether Ross is a Squirrel or a Narwhale, it's getting old and it's really not something to argue about. #LoveRossForRoss

Max's P.O.V
I sat in the sand, just watching the sunset over the water. I stare off into the distance, but start to focus on the water. Then I hear a squeaking sound. I look around confused, so I stand up to see if I could see anything. I hear it again, so I look in the direction it's coming from and see a splash. I lift my knee up and start removing my sneaker slowly, with out loosing eye contact from the spot in the ocean that the sounds and splashes are coming from. Then I see the splash again, so I pull the other sneaker off quickly and roll my jeans up my legs. I slowly start walking into the cold water, towards the sounds. As I get closer, the splashes come in a larger quantity, which makes my heart beat faster and faster as I get closer. The cold water makes me shiver, and it's getting deeper. The water had reached my jeans. When I see what was making the sounds, I gasp. There, right before my eyes, was a small narwhale, tangled in ropes. I pull a pocket knife out of the side pocket in my jeans and lean down to cut the rope. The narwhal looks at me with frightened eyes and starts squirming around in the rope, but when he realizes he is not going escape, he gives up and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath to swallow his fear.  I put a hand on the rope and start cutting the ropes, ignoring the fact that this animal could be dangerous. When I have cut most of the ropes, he starts breathing a normal pace, knowing he could trust me, which was unexpected since he's a wild animal. I cut the last rope and pull it off of him, but he does not move, he just looks at me with hope in his eyes. I fold the knife slowly and put it back in my pocket, while scanning the mammal I had just rescued. I gasp when I spot the name 'Ross' engraved on his back. "You poor thing...." I say softly. I pull out my phone and search Google for an image of a narwhal.  Soon I come across a picture of a woman in the water with her hand on a narwhal's head. I take my eyes off my phone to look at Ross, but he looks much smaller than the narwhal in the picture. I turn my phone off and put it back in my pocket. "He might be a runt..." I mumble to myself. (Don't all mammals have runts sometimes? Idk. My animal nerds in the comments, help me out here!😂) Ross makes a squeaking sound and splashes me with water. "Hey!" I yell. Ross just makes some more squeaking sounds that sound like laughter. I chuckle to myself as I each in my back pocket and take out a small saltine cracker package that I had gotten from a restaurant I went to earlier. I show it to Ross and he makes a small purring sound. It kind of sounds like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. I smile weakly at the thought and start opening the small plastic wrapper. I take one out and extend it to Ross. He opens his mouth and I gently toss it in. He eats it and makes the cute purring sound again. I giggle and give him the other one, making sure to put the empty wrapper in my back pocket so it does not fall in the ocean. Ross lifts his head out of the water a little bit. I lower my hand and place it on his head. He closes his eyes and makes a happy squeaking sound. I giggle and start to pet him.

(Time Skip, 8 weeks later)

Max's P.O.V
   I walk towards the spot that Ross comes to everyday, carrying my backpack, in which I packed with minnows and saltine crackers. I have been coming to see Ross everyday, and he's been coming to see me. Tonight's going to be a full moon, so I planned on staying longer so I could spend some time with my best friend. I hear the familiar squeaking sound, followed by Ross jumping out of the water like a dolphin. I chuckle and slip off my shoes.

Omg, I loved writing this so much, I'm going to make a part two, if that's what you guys want to see. I already have plans, I'm not even kidding. Leave a comment, and stay PacTastic!
-Pacawh 💜

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