Birthday Kisses

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Disclaimer I saw this prompt(?) on tumblr I take no cred for the idea, I'm simply writing it.

So today is my birthday and I'm spending it with Alya, in my pj's watching chick flicks. Alya wanted to throw me a party but I said no.
*doorbell rings*
"Do you think that's the pizza?" I asked.
"Go and see hurry!" Said my best friend.
I got up, got the money to pay and walked to the door.
"Hi how mu-" I stopped mid sentence. In my doorway was Adrien. The Adrien I had a crush on, along with Nino, but Adrien saw me, in my pastel pink pj's, with cats on them. I quickly shut the door and screamed for Alya.
"You deal with them okay, I know this is your fault and I'll kill you later but I have to go change," and with that I bolted upstairs and quickly changed and fixed my face.  I ran out of the bathroom and landed with my bottom in the air in front of Adrien, and Nino, while Alya tried not to laugh.
"Um, hi, um sorry I wasn't expecting you, ahhh, here dayto, no odayt, no today," I said.
"Alya invited us at your request," said Nino.
"Oh yeah remember Mari," Alya said. I walked over to her and gave her a death stare as I did.
"Oh of course, how silly of my to forget that I specifically asked you to do that Alya."
"Um yeah," she said while once again trying not to laugh as she pulled party supplies out of nowhere. She pulled out special birthday cupcakes, some candles, water and other refreshments and some games. She pulled out two more things and I gasped.
"No no no no no no a thousand times no," I said.
"What Mari, it's just a game! Plus I already asked Nino and Adrien if it was okay and they said yeah," Alya said.
I could have died. She set this up. I don't know how long she's had it planned but she did this on purpose and I'm unsure wether to stab myself with the plastic cutlery or to jump up and down and squeal. Right now I was leaning towards the cutlery idea.
"Well, just, yay," I said unenthusiastically.
Nino set up the game while I chose to go and try to fake an accident  in the kitchen.
"I cannot believe her, she did this and,"
"Did what," I heard a familiar voice say.
"Oh, um, ah, n-nothing," I stammered.
"You sure? Well okay Alya said to get you because the game is ready." Said Adrien.
I followed him out and say like a good girl when Nino said, "let's let the birthday girl spin first!" Alya simply agreed, along with Adrien, so in the end I spun the empty Diet Coke bottle, with a blindfold on.
Once it stopped, I could tell immediately who it landed on, mostly due to Alya's weird whale, fangirl noises. I never was so embarrassed in my life. I heard a shhh and felt a slightly nervous hand grab mine and take me to the closet.
Oh no, oh no oh no oh heck no. This wasn't going to happen. I wasn't ready. I probably taste like croissant batter, what if he hates it, what if after he hates me, what if I hate it, what if I'm terrible. I heard the door click and immediately panicked.
"Um, sorry but I already know who this is so it kinda defeated the purpose and you know if you don't want to do this we don't have to," breathe, "I mean you probably won't like it I mean I'm a lesbian don't kiss me, I mean I'm not, your hot, I mean I'm sorry," breathe," I mean you've probably done this before and I haven't and I mean I'd enjoy it bu-" I was suddenly cut off from my words with a soft pair of lips. 
We were standing so his hands were on my waist and after a minute they moved up and undid the blindfold. I couldn't help it so I peeked, and k could believe what I saw.
Adrian's leg popped.
I mean it. Like in the moves the first romantic kiss type of leg popping. I flipped. I was suddenly super excited and began to kiss back. Nothing serious obviously but it was amazing. After what felt like eternity, Adrien said, "was it awful?"
It seemed like a very sincere question so I paused before answering.
"It was better than I ever dreamed it would be,"
"Wait, you dreamed of that before?"
"Um, well maybe a few," thousand, I thought,"times," I said. He smiled and walked out with a smile. We saw a flash and heard laughter, when I remembered earlier. While I was in a rush with clothes, hair and, makeup, I put in the first lipstick I could grab, it was bright red. And now it was all over Adrien's face, while Nino and Alya laughed hysterically, and Adrien stood very confused and slightly embarrassed.

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