Chats Fatal Flaw: The Reveal

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A/N I came across this gem and I couldn't help but make it a thingy with words and such. Be sure to check out the video.

"Bye bye little butterfly," I said as I released the akuma.
"Well done My Lady," Chat said as his Miraculous started to beep.
"You'd better get going Chat," I said simply.
"Until next time," Chat Noir said as he started running my way to de transform. Then he did a very ungraceful thing and tripped and landed right on top of me.
"Chat, get off of me."
"But My Lady, you're under Agrest."
I took a moment and thought, Agrest, what kind of a pun is that? It was kind of weird. Agrest, Agrest? And then it hit me like a truck full of bricks.
"ADRIEN?" Chats face turned scarlet, he had about seven seconds left before his de-transformation.
"I um well you see uh," there was a flash and then it wasn't Chat on top of me anymore but Adrien. The Adrien I liked. After that I jumped up and dashes as quick as I could before I de-transformed.
"Wait, Ladybug! Please!" His voice desperately called after me but I ran and ran and ran until I lost him. I de-transformed and let Tiki rest before I started flipping out.
"Oh my goodness Tiki, Adrien is Chat and vice versa. What am I going to do?!"
"Calm down Mari! This is great, now all you have to do is tell him who you are and BAM chemistry everywhere! Like glitter!"
"Yeah but what if he is disappointed by who Ladybug is? By who's under the mask?"
"Mari, didn't Chat once promise that he would love Ladybug, with or without the mask?"
"I don't know maybe?"
"He did so just go out there and get your man!"
"But how Tiki?"
"Well I have an idea."
The next day
I went through her entire day with the confidence of Ladybug. Tiki spent all night coaching me. I held my head higher and seemed different. My only task today was to tell Adrien.
At 2:47 Adrien was alone, no Nino or Chloe around.
"Go get him Mari!" Tiki said with a ton of enthusiasm.
"Okay, okay I got this. I'm Ladybug, I've been with him dozens of times, I got this,"
"Okay well prove it and go!"
I ran up to Adrien.
"Hi Marionette! What's up?"
Okay it was now or never Mari.
"Oh I just wanted to tell you something and it's super secret."
"Ummm okay?"
I leaned over and whispered, "I know that you're Chat Noir."
Adrien turned scarlet, and started to deny it.
"Um no I'm not, even though he is dashingly handsome and charming, I'm not him!" I gave him a look of mock disbelief. "Geez okay okay, how'd you know?"
I looked at him and mouthed I'm Ladybug.
A mix of emotions played across his face. Shock, disbelief, and finally excitement.
"You, Marionette, are her, she is you?"
"Oh my goodness, I don't believe it. we have so much to talk about!"
And that was the start of something beautiful.

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