Another step back

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( dean's pov )
I woke up to the sound of snoring next to me, clearly it was roman, he's such a loud snorer it's not even funny sometimes I just wanna hit him awake and then turn away fastly acting like I didn't do anything, but at least were not in the stupid hotel anymore and were now in Romans parents house, I'm pretty excited to meet his mom and dad, they know about us dating so we don't have to keep secret so nothing can go bad. Right?
( few minutes later )
So finally after like 30 minutes roman finally decided to same his ass up. It's already 1:00 pm like common man.

"Well good afternoon." Dean said looking at roman slowly waking up.

"Mornin.." Roman said in his tired voice that Dean thought was the most sexiest voice ever.

I smiled and chuckled. "Wouldn't exactly call it morning because it's 1 pm in the afternoon but, whatever it's time to go down and eat lunch you're parents came up 10 minutes ago saying food was ready, but i was just waiting for you're ass to wake up because I'm nice and I'm patient." I said crossing my arms.

"Sorry, I can be very tired when I'm on a plane for a lot of hours and can barely fall asleep because the flight attendant couldn't keep her mouth shut." roman said sitting up.

"Eh, I can agree with you on that but there are things called headphones babe, learn please, now let's eat." I said getting up and walking downstairs.

"Whatever I know what headphone are." roman said following dean downstairs into the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"Finally you boys came down here, me and you're father were thinking you to were just gonna sleep the whole day." Patricia said. ( Romans mom )

"Also thought you guys were dead, we went up there and you guys weren't even moving I was so confused." Sika said. ( Romans father )

"Well dad some people don't move a lot in there sleep unlike you, people are different." roman said grabbing a plate of food for him and Dean and going back to the table sitting next to dean both digging into their food.

"Hey both of you stop fighting, we have a guest, as in your boyfriend Roman, be respectful." Patricia said looking at Dean and smiling.

"Miss reigns you are just to nice." I said smiling back at Patricia.

"It's my pleasure to make people feel welcomed." Patricia said.

"Ok well um, I'm finished and so is Dean so were just gonna go back upstairs and okay video games or something." roman said grabbing my arm.

"But I don't want to ro, I wanna explore. I wanna go to the store or something until it's dinner time, oh you know what! Let's go to the movies!" I said excitedly.

"Fine will go to the movies, I'm not going to any stores today, I know how you are with things and I don't feel like spending a lot of money on you over here." roman said giving me a serious look.

"Fine fine whatever let's go please, and let's find a long movie because like I said I wanna be gone until dinners done." I said smiling and putting my jacket and shoes on.

"Got it, mom dad, you heard him." roman said chuckling and grabbing his keys putting his arms around my waist and walking out the door opening my side of the cars door and helping me in and running back to his side getting in.

"You sure are being very helpful and pleasant today." I said smiling sweetly at roman.

"Yeah well, you saw how my mom and dad are I kinda get my pleasantness from them."

"Well, I'd say only you're mom, not being rude or anything I mean I'm just saying because it's the truth you're mom is really sweet." I said looking at roman.

"Don't worry I agree on so many levels." roman said looking at me and nodding and finally driving off to the theaters.

Roman and Dean finally arrived at the theaters and got out and went in. They got there tickets to the movie there going to watch and of course its 3D. They bought popcorn and some candy and drinks and walked to where there movie was. Few minutes later the movie started. Out of know where in the middle of the movie, Dean and Roman held hands. They exchanged looks and gave each other a quick kiss before returning back to the movie.
( 3 hours later )
The movie ended.

"Man that was a really good movie, made me shed a tear a bit." I said still holding Romans hands while walking back to the car.

"Agreed, think I shed so many tears though." roman said chuckling while we both get into the car and driving back to the house.

Finally they arrived back at the house and went inside and saw dinner was ready.

"Oh goody, perfect timing ro." I said running over to where Romans parents where and sitting at the table where all the food was.

Roman chuckled. "Yes goody." Roman said doing the exact same thing Dean did.

"Welcome back boys, how was the movie?" sika asked.

"It was very good dad, me and Dean even cried a bit, it was a sad movie."

"Always shedding tears to sad movies, it's so cute." Patricia said giggling while eating. "So dean, tell us about yourself."

"Well um, I'm 30, I'm from Cincinnati and I had a sister."

"Had?" Sika questioned confusingly.

"What do mean had?" Patricia questioned also.

"Mom dad, stop." roman said whispering to his parents.

"She got taken away from me, haven't seen her in 23 years." Dean said having a shaky voice.

"Oh honey that's terrible. How's you're parents doing? They dead?" Patricia said jokingly.

Dean's face dropped. Dead silence. Roman dipped his head knowing Dean was upset right now. Dean slowly felt a tear coming down. Dean was a angry. He was furious. Upset. Sad. Hopeless.

"What. The. Fuck." Dean said with his voice filled with anger and soon enough he stood up swiping his plate off the table making it shatter into tiny little pieces. "You don't ever fucking say that to anyone, especially when it's true."

"Dean I didn't kn-
Dean cut her off fastly.

"It doesn't fucking matter PATRICIA. You never say that to anyone, my parents are dead and things even worse happened to me, my dad did things, what you said upsets the fuck out of me, you know what I thought you were a good person but now. You are. You're. You're dead to me.

Dean fastly ran upstairs into his and Romans shared room and got into the bed crying hardly wishing he can just fall asleep fastly and forget everything but he couldn't.

"Congratulations mom hope you're happy." Roman said shaking his head and following Dean and walking into the room seeing Dean crying and tugging on the blankets.

Roman got onto the bed and went next to dean pulling him into his arms making Dean fastly clench onto him and cry into his chest. "Shh..Dean It's ok, I'm right here, just fall asleep I'll watch you." roman said sincerely.

Dean nodded slowly calming down and slowly falling asleep and being finally calmed by Romans hand caressing him.

Roman looked down at Dean sleeping and started feeling emotional. "I'm sorry that had to happen dean, hopefully you forget about it and have a conversation with my mother. Trust me she loves you..but most of all I love you." Roman said before laying his head on dean's and drifting to sleep.

  I'll always be there for you...
Sorry it took me so freaking long to update I have school and all and it's stressful and taking my time off but I promise I'll try and one day I'll update for then I usually am right now!! LOVE CHU stay tuned!

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