believe me

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( Romans pov )

Today is the day where Dean and I are going to tell my parents he's pregnant. Now I highly doubt they will believe us but it's worth a try, because he is pregnant and I need them to know so they don't try any dumb shit on him. Dean didn't want to tell them but of course I was the one to talk him into telling them. Let's see how it goes..

"Dean it's not that hard to tell them that your pregnant, it's not going to take long to tell them, I promise." I begged trying to get Dean to come down with me.

"There going to ask to many questions Roman, that's what they always do."

"I know that Dean but they need to know, because there going to find out anyways. Just better to tell them straight forward."

"Fine, but if they started asking questions i'm not going to answer one." Dean said getting up and walked downstairs.

"Alrighty." I said hesitantly before walking downstairs to my parents.

"Well haven't seen you two in awhile." Sika said looking directly at Dean and Roman.

"Yeah well there is something we have to tell both of you, I want all of us to sit down at a table and talk about it." I said sitting down in a chair looking at Dean.

Dean slowly sat in a chair next to Roman waiting patiently for Sika and Patricia to sit. Which they did a few seconds after they did.

"So, what do we need to know?" Patricia asked.

Roman and Dean looked at each other

"Well, Mrs and Mr Anoa'i I know we all haven't been on good terms with each other, and I don't want you questioning any of this, but..I am pregnant." Dean said almost close to stuttering.

"I must be hearing things or something or did you literally just say your pregnant?" Patricia asked questionably.

"Yes mom, he's pregnant." I started. "Dean is pregnant, now I know you may not believe it but it's damn well true."

"I believe you son. Of course I do, I always believe you. I also accept the fact that he's pregnant. You two will be very good parents." Sika said proudly.

"Thank you, Mr. Anoa'i. That means a lot." Dean said happily.

"Well if he believes, then I do, now that I think about it. You can kinda tell he is pregnant, his stomach is getting a little big." Patrica announced laughing.

"I'm not going to even get mad because it's honestly true." Dean agreed.

"Well now that this is settled, how about a celebration?" Sika asked.

"I would but baby is starting to hurt me so I need to go lay down. Maybe tomorrow?" Dean said feeling bad.

"That's okay, we can do a celebration whenever. The baby is hurting you so that's a good idea. You two get your rest." Patricia said walking over to Dean and I and gave a quick hug before walking upstairs into her room with Sika.

"Let's go pregnant boy." I said jokingly.

Dean hit roman playfully. "Rude much." Dean said chuckling.

Dean and roman walked upstairs into their bedroom and go onto the bed covering themselves. Roman pulled Dean against him laying his head on his chest. Dean looked up at roman smiling, Roman did the same.

"That went very well." Dean said.

"Sure did babe, sure did." I said before slowly drifting to sleep.

Dean shook his head. "Didn't even say I love you before you fell asleep, ungrateful." Dean said jokingly. He kisses Romans cheek and put his head back on his chest. Dean put his hand on his stomach feeling the baby kick and he smiled. "Now don't get to rough, daddy has to sleep." soon after, he slowly fell asleep.

Take it easy.......

I was thinking about doing a pt. 2
Of this chapter but I realized that I would've done a shitty "cliffhanger" so I just went with it XD. AnYwAyS hope you liked this chapter! Stay tuned for the next one...

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