29- They Say

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They say eyes are the windows to the soul.
They say we can feel the someone's heart racing if we hug them.
They say arms were made for warmth.
They say I love you's existed for truth.
But everything they said is the difference of what we had.

I have the awe in my eyes because I've never felt so captivated.
I hugged you so tight like I'll never let you go and felt your heartbeat faster than how the wind made my skins shiver.
Your arms hugged me back.
I love you and that's the truth.

But you're a coward for showing you don't have the love in your eyes.
You're a coward for telling me that you didn't feel your heart racing.
You're a coward for not hugging me back so tight.
You're a coward for not saying the truth that you love me.

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