Suicidal Tendencies

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     I woke up and sat straight up in my bed with my fists out. My whole body hurt. I cried out in pain and layed back down. I then realized I wasn't in my bed or my room. "Where am I?" I asked myself.

     "Your in my room." Ash stepped in and walked over to the bed. He held my hand. "I took you to the hospital. They said you had a few broken ribs and bruises so they patched you up but gave you some drugs to keep you asleep. I took you to my house and put you in my bed."

     I looked at him. He only had one scratch on his face. I was a mess, with my arms, face, and legs all bandaged up. "Where's Glenn?" I asked nervously. Ash frowned. "He got away. I don't know what happened to him or where he went. But you're safe here. Do you want anything to eat?" Even though I rejected food, Ash made me some toast. I ate it and fell back asleep.

     A few days later Ash drove me home. He had gotten my car and drove it to my house. I kissed Ash goodbye and he drove away. I walked to my front door and gasped in horror. On my door, painted in what looked like blood, was "GO KILL YOURSELF WORTHLESS BITCH". I opened the door and ran into my house sobbing. I think I knew who wrote this. Glenn.

     I ran to my closet and pulled out my stash of heroin. I promised myself I would never use it. But I wanted to die right now. With shaking hands I got the syringe and filled it with the drug. I injected it into my arm and waited. I looked at a picture of me and Ash, remembering the first time we met. I had a picture of me and my family, happy together. And a picture of Alex and his boyfriend. The world finally started to become dim.

     "Goodbye," I muttered. Then the world went black and I drifted off into nothingness.


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