the flight with a devil

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As jay picked up her last box her phone beeped. "jason?" she picked up the phone placing the box into her brand new car, "oh yeah i'm almost there.... Yeah let me say good bye and i'll be at the airport by 6:30 am" the white haired girl said as she got into the car waving goodbye her parents. She hangs up her phone and looked back at her white fur wolf "it our first time alone let's make the best out of it" jay said as she drove away from the tiny, unpainted house that she has lived all her life in, it was so small she would hit her head against the roof of her home. Jay parents weren't that rich they could barely afford for food but they gave their daughters money. jay had 3 sister lucy, mary, and sema they all used their money to buy them self what they wanted, they skip college and had lovers, jay had barely any money so she bought herself a flight to go study in California with her best friend jason.

She looked at jason and smiled at him "hi andrew!" she said as she waved at the handsome devil he had red hair in a bun "hi jay ,i'm gonna park your car so it gets shipped with us "the handsome devil said as he opened the door letting out the white colored wolf out. The wolf hopped out looking up at jason with an angry face "hands off jay or ill bite ur hands off!".Jason looked at the dog with a pissed off face and looked up at jay "go inside and meet me at the entrance" he said then he drove away.Jay looked at her wolf named mentos and leashed him walking inside. As she reached inside she went to the entranced and saw jason standing there like a beast he is 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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