The Meadow part 2 of I never trust....

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Kat's P.O.V

I felt as though I was falling. I landed softly on a pillow of green grass. I sat up and looked around the beautiful meadow. The grass swayed as the wind blew gently. Hundreds of wild dandelions, daisy and other gorgeous flowers covered the meadow. I stood and touched the flowers as I passed curious as to why I was there. I looked around and then saw Sirius smiling and beckoning me forward. I smiled and walked to him.

Sirius told me,"I need to tell you something I love you."He kissed me quickly and passionately.

I told him,"I know I love you too but what's happening you only ever come in dreams to tell me when bad things are going to happen?"

He said,"I know I just wanted you to know in case something bad happens." I nodded telling him it was okay to continue.

Sirius looked down at me and gently told me,"Voldemort is coming and he's looking for you and your family. You need to be prepared. He has an army of Inferi with him. Tell Dumbledore."

He said,"Kat I love you so much."

Sirius kissed me passionately. I kissed back with just as much passion. I pulled away. He stroked my cheek and told me softly,"You need to wake up Rina. I love you."

I asked,"I love you too. I hope to see you on the other side." I collapsed in the dream world.

My eyes shot open and I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air. I started to cough.

Lily whispered,"Thank Merlin." I tried to sit up but it was so painful. I let out a blood-curdling scream. Lily winced seeing me in pain. She laid me back down and I sighed in relief. Lily told me,"Thank you for saving my mum."

I groaned,"No problem."

I saw three people behind her, her mother, the minister of magic, and Charles Potter. I pushed myself back. Looking up in terror at Charles Potter, my father.

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