chapter 3: protection is a necessity

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Giotto stood in front of tsuna and guarded him with his arms. "N-nii-chan?" Tsuna asked as he pulled on giotto's cape.

"I WILL PROTECT YOU WITH MY DYING WILL!" Giotto said as his flame was bouncing and moving high with pride.

"Who are you!?" Mochida yelled. Before giotto could say again Mochida charged saying "I don't care!".

Tsuna backed up, coincidentally he backed up into Ryohei. "Onii-chan" tsuna said as he saw Ryohei looking down at him. "HELLO SAWADA TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei yelled as he picked tsuna up from the ground.


Tsuna looked at the person who was fighting with Mochida.

"He's my big brother" tsuna said looking embarrassed.


Suddenly every one gasped. Giotto was hit on the head with the bamboo sword, thing is he went out of dying will mode. So it really had to hurt...a lot.


Tsuna yelled as he scurried over to giotto. "T-tsu-chan? What? Why do you look worried?" Giotto said. "Because you just got hit with a bamboo sword with no mask!" Tsuna said loudly.

"Did I protect you?" Giotto said.

"Of course you did" tsuna replied.

Ryohei came up to tsuna. "HEY SAWADA, WANT ME TO TAKE HIM TO THE INFIRMARY?" Ryohei yelled.

Tsuna winced at the volume of his voice. "T-that would be nice onii-chan" tsuna said standing back from giotto.

"Hey! We're not over yet!" Mochida yelled. Tsuna nearly jumped out of his skin.

~At the same time a mysterious figure stood outside the gym door. Peeking inside. ~

Tsuna was shaking as Mochida was going closer to tsuna. "To win you must get one hit point!" Mochida said "because your a beginner at kendo, when the red flag is lifted you win"

"Dame-Tsuna, win with your dying will" reborn said at the top beam of the gym. He was holding his Leon sniper rifle. He then shot tsuna with the dying will bullet.

Tsuna collapsed on the floor. He then was revived and yelled "I WILL GET ONE I-PON* WITH MY DYING WILL" tsuna yelled as he charged at a laughing Mochida. Tsuna broke Mochida's sword and then continued to karate chop his head. The flag still didn't raise so tsuna grabbed and ripped a hand full of hair off of Mochida head.

The flag guy was to scared to move still not giving the red flag. Tsuna then pulled every single hair out of Mochida handing it to the flag guy.

"ONE HUNDRED I-PON!" Tsuna said.

"ONE POINT!" The boy yelled scared out of his mind. Tsuna went out of dying will mode. The whole gym ran to tsuna giving him congratulations on his big win.

Tsuna was to busy to suddenly hear kyoko tell him "your amazing tsuna!, your no ordinary guy". Tsuna was in heaven at the moment.

'Kyoko told me I was amazing!' Tsuna thought.


In the infirmary at the moment after tsuna got shot giotto was crying his heart out and was being consoled by Ryohei. "MY TSU-CHAN! MY LITTLE TUNA FISH!HOW COULD I NOT PROTECT HIM!I'VE FAILED AT BEING A BIG BROTHER!! UUWAAAAAH!!!" Giotto was a mess. A litter of tissue was surrounding him in the infirmary. "GIOTTO-SAN! PLEASE CALM DOWN TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei tried to say. But alas giotto's crys and sobs were louder then Ryohei.


Giotto came home after tsuna as not to let him be seen in a crying mess. "REBORN! I failed! How can I be a mafia boss when I can't even provide help for tsuna!?" Giotto said. Giotto then tripped on a wire tied to a grenade.

'oh, he actually did it..' giotto thought remembering what reborn told him about the sleeping arrangements.

"Baka-giotto, don't disturb me when I'm sleeping" giotto looked at reborn puzzled then asked, "wait your sleeping in tsuna's room!?" Giotto said.


"No, no, no ,no, your not sleeping in my tsu-Chan's room, you can sleep in here" giotto said. 'What if he's some pedophile looking for my cute tsuna' giotto thought. "I WONT LET YOU SLEEP WITH MY OTOUTO!" Giotto said.

"Okay, have it your way" reborn said.


Giotto screamed the most 'man like' scream he could when the bomb went off.

"There's no way I can be a mafia boss" giotto said as he was being crushed by a big chunk of his house. Moments later tsuna came in. Tsuna froze. "O-o- onii-ch-chan, WHAT HAPPENED HERE!" Tsuna yelled. Giotto looked at his little brother, "wait tsuna! Go back to your room you'll get hurt!" Giotto yelled.

Without a word tsuna went back to his room and slept away the living nightmare that was his brothers room.

The next day was the same, giotto got woken up vongola styles well tsuna was once again awoken by his mom. Tsuna was last down today which ment he went first, his school had a demon prefect so he wanted to be early.

Giotto had the same but his prefect was a junior cop in training. So the sawada siblings booked it to school in record time before being beaten by the prefect brothers.

Tsuna got to class on time, his homeroom teacher nezu-sensai, introduced a new person to the class. "This is Gokudera hayato, he just recently came back with his sibling from studying aboard in italy"

"Kyaa, he's so hot" a girl said

"Omg so good looking" another girl said.

Gokudera just watched them all with a scowl on his face, "so Gokudera-kun you seat is bac- hey!?"

Gokudera ignored nezu and walked to tsuna's desk and kicked it, making tsuna fall over. "What the hell!?" Tsuna said as he watched Gokudera go sit at his desk.

Giotto had a much different approach to school. As he was running he bumped in a person with 'pink' hair. The person grabbed giotto's collar and yanked him off the ground.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Bumping into me!?" The person said. "I-I'm sorry I was taking my cute tsu-chan to school so I was in a hurry to get to my s-school!" Giotto said.

"Tsu-chan?" The person said, "are they your sister?" He said.

"Of course not! He's my little otouto! He's just the cutest, with his fluffy brown hair and big chocolate doe eyes! He's the cutest and the nicest and the sweetest!" Giotto would have gone on if the longer the stranger didn't put a gun to his head.

"Shut.up" the stranger with pink hair said. "Why so mean? I'm ieyasu sawada by the way, just call me giotto!" Giotto said holding out his hand to the person.

"G, just G" the person now called G said. "Nice to meet you! You go to nami high?" Giotto asked.

"Yeah" G said. "Well let's g-" giotto peeked at his phone and saw it was 6 minutes until school started.

"Ahhhh!" Giotto yelled, automatically pulling G with him to school.


I-pon' is a joke in Japanese resulting in interpretation of I-pon and meaning one hair. But tsuna got all of Mochida hair meaning he got one hundred I-pon. (Funny right!?...not really I suppose...)

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