A/N:Just a music video to set the mood of this story a little.

Steve looks back at the car carrying the carseat Grant was in wondering if he could just walk back with his son, but he couldn't he had to protect him somehow because the world needed the Avengers and needed Cap also. He looked down at Grant seeing the small box of Captain America playing cards in his mouth. Grant knew who his daddy was..Slightly. Steve smiled tilting his head as a tear fell while he brushed Grants cheek.
"I'm sorry Grant..I wish there was another way.." he says setting down the carseat continuing, "Your dad loves you. And he did this to protect you little buddy."
He kisses his forehead and stands turning to leave as Grant starts to scream crying eyes wide open. Steve froze looking back seeing his son crying after him.
I'm sorry little guy..
He started walking quickly back to the car.
You never realize how much you love someone till you have to let them go.

A/N: Part two will be posted later. Got to study for history class. 😔

The Decision (#3)Where stories live. Discover now