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I sat on the bed hugging my knees to my chest until I heard the main door. Steve walked in and I turned to look at him. He leaned in the doorway letting out a deep breath making me realize the stress we had being superheroes.
"He's there.." Steve said softly.
I nod tucking my chin in hiding my tears behind my hair.
"Was he still asleep?" I ask.
"He woke up as I walked away..and he cryed." He said.
"I'm sorry Steve.." I whisper wiping under my eyes closing them against my knees.
"It's on me." He says closer.
I look up.
"No," I say, "It's on both of us."
"You cant possibly think that your..." He stops.
"Technically Grant wasn't supposed to happen, Steve. We never did anything. Ever." I say getting up, "But he did happen."
He watched me stare at the city around us.
"Things happen for a reason Nat." He says, "You know that."
I nod.
"Yes I do." I say touching the glass delicately, "I just dont understand how.."
Steve got up also coming up beside me.
"What's to understand how Grant happened? He's God's creation Natalie." He says moving closer.
"Yes, I know that Steve, God created everything including Adam and Eve." I say, "But why did we have to give up Grant??"
"Because he has a purpose Natalie." He says, "A purpose maybe that we don't understand, but God does understand. A purpose far bigger than you and I."
"Like you." I say, "A symbol of hope. And that freedom is worth the price." I say.
"I don't know what his purpose is specifically Nat. All I know is it's something big." He says.

The Decision (#3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum