Adopted by One direction

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        Hello my name is Cher. I live in Mrs.Suzie's adoption center. Yes I am a orphan. I'm 13 years old and no my parents didn't want. My mom had me at a very young age and died giving birth she never did tell my dad because she moved to Bradford, England since my grandparents kicked her out. They were very wealthy and my mom left all her money to me. I don't use it a lot but hey i girl has needs you know. Anyways today is adoption day. Ya i really dont care adopt me or not who gives a shit I mean come on u. Ya i may seem as a bad ass well guess what I am. Ya i know stupid right but i mean come on who wants to live with rules not me i have a tongue piercing and a belly button piercing I dont get adopted because i have such a bad look to me i dint have my hair died thats a big NO. Anyways ill try to act like an 😇but the bad ass look is still going to be there weither they like it or not. I got changed into a cute stripped crop top and tan cardigan and some denim high wasted shorts. Once I was done i Got my black vans and walked out to see

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